Serbian language teacher burns diploma in front of the Serbian Parliament (VIDEO) – Society


Novi Sad Ena Nedić’s Serbian language teacher today burned her university diploma in front of the Serbian Parliament building, claiming that she is doing so as a sign of protest, because her diploma is pointless, because young and educated people have no perspective on Serbia, reported the website. .

Serbian language teacher burns diploma in front of the Serbian Parliament (VIDEO) 1Photo: N1

“I am Ena Nedic, a licensed teacher of the Serbian language. With a symbolic gesture, I want to thank this paradoxical state for the opportunity on their own behalf and on behalf of all the young people who are leaving the country. I am extremely ashamed I am ashamed on behalf of all those who are not ashamed, “said Nedić, adding that” he does not need a job in that educational system. “

In addition to the faculty, she also set fire to her “Vuk diploma” and numerous letters of thanks, and in the explanation of that procedure, she referred to the ministers and members of the Government who, as she says, are in office “for dubious reasons. “

“I am ashamed that the Minister of Foreign Affairs speaks Serbian to us as if it were a foreign language. The Minister of Defense is a shame for all the honorable Serb soldiers. I am ashamed that the Prime Minister was chosen because of his sexual orientation, and not based on their ratings. I am ashamed that the Minister of Finance continues to manage the finances of this country with proven forgery. I am ashamed of many other things, “Nedic said and then set his diploma on fire.

As H1 reported, he said it was a symbolic gesture by which he buried faith in this country and called on all normal and free citizens to come together “regardless of political options and parties, so that this ends once and for all” .

“I should already have an organized life, I am a father, a mother, an educator. I am not the youth of Vučić. I do not need a job in this education system … They offered me indecent offers, which was an honor for me to accept. I think that I am qualified, I have the knowledge to which I have dedicated my whole life, “said Ena Nedić.

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