SERBIAN DRONE FIRST COMBAT SHOT: CH-92A drone destroys target with FT-8C missile (PHOTO)


– Today, for the first time in our territory, in the Nikinci field, we had a real combat shot with a guided laser projectile and it was a success. The Serbian army thus gained another skill. We follow the best, we follow the most modern, and the 353rd Reconnaissance Squadron received a major one, as well as our Air Force and Air Defense. Every dinar that is invested in technology, modernization and purchase of new combat means is a dinar that is well invested in something that protects the lives of our soldiers – said Minister Vulin, adding that this is the most important thing.

– All modern armies seek to use a living man as late as possible, to use the army as late as possible. That’s why unmanned aerial vehicles are bought, that’s why unmanned platforms are built. That is why the Serbian Army advances, modernizes and can say that with the purchase of the CH-92A, at least in our region, it has taken the lead and that it is capable of facing armies much larger and more developed than us – points out the Minister Vulin.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia

All the functions of the CH-92A drones will be for the purpose of strengthening our army, and their purchase represents a kind of technology transfer, because when buying technology, we also buy knowledge that our engineers will be able to apply, because only what we produce is ours. , emphasizes the Minister of Defense. .

The Deputy Minister of Material Resources, Dr. Nenad Miloradović, points out that the final phase of the investigation is underway before the acceptance of the CH-92A UAVs and the full set of equipment in the Serbian army armament. These aircraft were delivered to the Serbian Army a few months ago, recalls Miloradović and points out that after that, our crews were trained by the manufacturers, where the crews had the opportunity to shoot with this weapon system and use other capabilities that the drone has. CH-92A.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia

– Today is the penultimate day of the interrogation and so far everything has been done successfully, including the combat firing with the FT-8C missile, at the Nikinci firing range. One more day of testing remains after which the system will be considered accepted.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia

Miloradović notes that the newly formed reconnaissance squadron will soon reach full operational capability and will contribute significantly to the overall Air Force and Air Defense capability, reconnaissance capabilities, but will also enhance long-range artillery capabilities, taking into It has all the functions that the CH-92A remotely piloted aircraft can perform. day and night.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia

The CH-92A UAVs, in addition to attacking targets on the ground, shown today at the test site in Nikinci, can be used to perform a wide range of tasks such as reconnaissance from airspace, precise determination of coordinates of Targets observed on the ground, their automatic tracking, intelligence preparations. battlefields, artillery fire corrections, action effect evaluations, laser target marking for the action of other laser-guided munitions (bombs and missiles).

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia

The shooting in Nikinci was also attended by the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense, Major General Dusko Zarkovic, the Deputy Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense, Brigadier General Zeljko Bilic, the Chief of the Intelligence Directorate and Recognition, Brigadier General Miroljub Cupic and the Head of the Development and Team Directorate of the Serbian Army General Staff. Brigadier General Milan Popovic.

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