Serbian coronavirus data November 6


According to official data, in the last 24 hours, 10 people died from the consequences of the coronavirus in Serbia, bringing the total number of victims to 871, announced the Ministry of Health on the website

Since the last representative sample of the situation in Serbia, 12,947 people have been tested for coronavirus and 2,282 cases of infection have been recorded.

There are 74 patients on respirators.

A total of 2,307 people were hospitalized.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 57,958 cases of infection have been officially confirmed in Serbia.

The mortality rate is 1.50 percent.

At 3 pm on November 6, a total of 1,401,663 people who met the criteria to define the case were examined in Serbia.

The highest percentage of infection in the last 24 hours is in Belgrade, where 1,144 people are infected, Darija Kisić Tepavčević said at the press conference.

Then Novi Sad follows with 219 cases of infection, Kraljevo 60, Nis 50, Vranje 32, Zrenjanin 29, Pancevo 25, Sremska Mitrovica 22, etc.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
