Serbian citizens drink more beer – Demostat


A fifth of those surveyed in a survey conducted in October this year said they do not consume alcohol at all, while 32.8 percent of respondents chose beer as their first choice, 28.9 percent said that prefer wine and “ferocity” 14.3 percent, while 2.1 percent chose another alcoholic beverage.

Citizens of Serbia drink more beer 1Photo: EPA-EFE / ANDY RAIN
Citizens of Serbia drink more beer 2
Photo: Demostat

The research included 1,300 citizens from all over Serbia, of which 51 percent were women, and in terms of gender, the difference is large because 73 percent of the men and 27 percent of the women had beer as first option. Women are at the fore in the consumption of wine, of the total of those who decided on this drink in the first place, 57 percent are women, while 60 to 40 percent are in favor of men when it comes to choose a strong drink.

Of a total of 21.9 percent of respondents who said they do not drink alcohol at all, the majority are women, up 86 percent, only 14 percent answered that men do not drink alcoholic beverages. A favorite alcoholic beverage among a third of women is wine, the survey showed, while nearly half of men opt for beer (49 percent).

Citizens of Serbia drink more beer 3
Photo: Demostat

Demostat included all citizens over 18 years of age in the research, and most of them, almost two-thirds, were in the 40-65 age category. Almost half of the respondents are from Belgrade (48 percent), followed by Vojvodina with 21 percent, Sumadija and western Serbia with 18 percent, and southern and eastern Serbia with 13 percent.

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Photo: Demostat

The research also showed that respondents with higher and higher education mainly consume 32 percent wine, followed by 29 percent beer, 15 percent spirits, two percent other beverages, while 22 percent of them do not consume alcohol.

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Photo: Demostat

Respondents with a secondary education choose beer more frequently (44 percent), twice as much wine 21 percent, 12 percent of them choose strong drinks, four percent choose other drinks and 21 percent said that No baby. The same order occurs with those with primary education, 41 percent of them drinking beer, while 21 percent opt ​​for wine.

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Photo: Demostat

Regarding the age structure, the youngest inhabitants of this country prefer beer, while wine appears in the first position only in the category of people over 65 years of age. 38 percent of those between 18 and 29 choose beer, 33 percent for wine, an even higher percentage of “beer drinkers” are in the category between 30 and 39 years (40 percent) , only 25 percent choose wine, while in this category those who said they did not consume alcoholic beverages were the lowest (12 percent).

In the 40-49 category, 31 percent opted for beer, 27 percent for wine, and an equal number were those who said they did not drink alcohol. Among those over 50 and under 65, it’s pretty even because 33 percent opted for beer and 32 percent for wine.

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Photo: Demostat

If we look at the regions, beer is mainly consumed in Belgrade (38.8%), then in southern and eastern Serbia (34.2%), Sumadija and western Serbia (29.3%) and Vojvodina (28 , 9%). Wine is mainly consumed in Belgrade (32.4%), followed by 30.1% in Vojvodina, while spirits are mainly drunk in southern and eastern Serbia, 15.1%, Vojvodina 14.8 %, 13.9% in Belgrade and 13.2 percent in Sumadija and Western Serbia.

When separating and comparing the three big cities of Belgrade, Nis and Novi Sad, beer is mainly consumed in Belgrade, then Nis, while wine is mainly drunk in Novi Sad and then Belgrade. Spirits are mainly consumed in Nis, only then in Belgrade.

Citizens of Serbia drink more beer 8
Photo: Demostat

Based on the research, it can be concluded that compared to 2017, there was a decrease in beer consumption by 1.4 percent and an increase in wine by 2.8 percent, spirits by two percent and some other beverages by 0.6 percent. This year, compared to the 2017 survey, the number of those who do not drink has increased, that is, three years ago, a quarter (25.9 percent) said they did not consume alcoholic beverages, while in October 2020 , 21.9 percent of them said the same. to.

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