Serbian citizens are returning from Montenegro


Arrival of the train from Bar in Topčider

Due to the intensified supervision measures for all Serbian citizens returning from abroad, which take effect today at 6 pm, a large number of Serbian citizens who stayed in Montenegro decided to return to the country.

As it says, many were waiting for the last minute to return, so there are large crowds on the border with Montenegro.

Remember The Serbian government has issued detailed instructions.

Citizens of Serbia and foreign nationals who have been granted temporary residence or permanent residence in Serbia and who come from countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation (Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina) during passport control will receive a written notification advising of the obligation to inform the competent kovid. territorially competent ambulance or public health institute within 24 hours after crossing the state border.

Citizens and foreigners must present electronic application. When they complete the symptom self-assessment questionnaire, based on the responses, they will receive guidance on future actions, and if they leave a phone number and the responses indicate a suspicion of kovid-19, the doctor will invite them for an examination.

Citizens should not automatically visit the Kovid ambulance when they return from abroad, but only those who receive such instructions through a self-assessment test.

The period of special health supervision lasts 10 days, so on the 10th day after returning from abroad, and citizens who did not receive instructions to go to the Kovid clinic during the first test must take the Kovid-19 self-assessment test again . If the results show that there is no danger of infection, the special health supervision will no longer apply.

Citizens who cannot complete the online questionnaire should call the Institute or Institute of Public Health in their city or municipality and receive all the necessary instructions.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
