“Serbia will escape Croatia in 3.5 years for 3.5 billion euros” VIDEO


Belgrade – The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vui, declared today that in the third quarter we had a growth of 11% of GDP compared to the second quarter.

Source: B92, Tanjug

Wui said she had asked Prime Minister Ana Brnabi and members of Crisis Tab not to make a decision on closing restaurants if possible, so as not to run out of income. “I prayed today and in the days before, and the Prime Minister and Kona, Pelemi, Stevanov, Kisi and everyone else on the tab … only if it is possible not to close everything in the catering and everywhere, if possible, but of course, if not, we will close, “said Vui. He points out that right now, people who work in catering need “every dinar”, considering that they worked less in the first waves of the pandemic.

“We are the best, we have the smallest drop in Europe in the third quarter,” Vui said. He added that we will be the country with the highest GDP growth rate in Europe. He noted that, according to projections, Serbia will have, in the worst case, a total growth of 10.2 GDP for the period 2021-2023. years.

“Serbia will escape Croatia in three years for 3.5 billion euros and Montenegro for another five billion euros,” Vui said.

Compared to the IMF forecast for other countries, Wui stated that North Macedonia will have an economic growth of 4.3 percent, Albania 3.8 percent, Romania 2.5 percent, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2, 1 percent, Bulgaria 3.6, all the East. Europe 2.2 percent, the so-called Kosovo 1.7 percent, Slovenia 1.5 percent, Hungary 1.5 percent, Croatia 0.7, Montenegro -3.3 percent.

Wui told reporters that Serbia, according to fle’s latest forecast, had a 1.3 percent drop in GDP in the third quarter, which is currently the best result in Europe. He says that data is expected for a few more countries, but that we will certainly be first or second in terms of growth of minus 1.3 percent compared to the same quarter last year.

“On the other hand, we had 11 percent GDP growth in the third quarter compared to the second quarter of this year,” added Wui.

The president says that many countries in Europe boast growth compared to the second quarter, but this is because they had great growth because the second quarter was very bad for them. The third quarter data is positive news, Vui added, noting that now we can certainly say that Serbia will have the highest GDP growth for all of 2020 in Europe.

“We have to finish the gas pipeline, we have to pay for certain things, we accelerate the expropriation on the Preljina – Poega highway, in the Moravo Corridor … We have to go fast, there are additional investments for roads, 14.7 billion in Corridors, to pay the obligations and frameworks previously assumed “. that are in demand, even an additional 10.9 billion, or almost 100 million euros. We will pay it all, “he said.

Vui said that industrial production is growing in Serbia and that we can be optimistic on that issue. Vui also said it would be significant and good for the country if the IT sector, whose exports account for 5.6 percent of GDP this year, grew to six percent, especially since it is difficult to expect agriculture, after three and a quarter. consecutive year achieved record results.

“Industrial production is growing, and that’s the bloodstream, the essence,” Wui said. It stated that the processing industry recorded growth of 2.3 percent compared to the third quarter of 2019, the total industry grew 3.1 percent and agriculture grew 4.5 percent.

“When you have that kind of data, you can be optimistic,” Vui said. He said that the problems were in civil works, due to insufficient payments and less investment in the maintenance and construction of local and regional highways, which, he said, will be corrected with 14.7 billion investments and many works that follow.

He noted that Serbia will be one of the few countries that will increase not only the minimum, but also the salaries and pensions of the public sector without significant negative effects on the budget, that is, maintaining a healthy economy and the indebtedness of our country.

He stated that almost all European countries are above us in terms of public debt, saying that our country’s public debt is below Maastricht with 57.8, and Germany, for example, above 70 percent.

“We need to be patient, patient and push our economy forward. It’s not that we are afraid of anyone, that someone doesn’t really understand our position, but that we want good relations with everyone, and the only thing we want to compete in is the economy.” . GDP growth rate. We want to be proud of this competition, we don’t want to compete in other areas ”, he concluded.
