Serbia wants to keep its freedom on its own


A recording of the speech by President Aleksandar Vučić and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

15. 12. 2020.


Vučić: Serbia will not pay anyone or buy more expensive gasoline

The president of Serbia referred to political pressures when it comes to buying gas and announced that Russian gas from the Turkish stream will be released in Serbia on December 29 or 30.

“So far, we have received Russian gas through Ukraine and Hungary, and that was the cheapest and most favorable for us,” Vucic said.

The president of Serbia also says that he has been suggested several times to buy gas from the West, but that he has yet to see better and cheaper gas.

“Then they told us that there was not enough gas for Serbia. I don’t know if they expect us to buy more expensive gas because of someone’s political interests,” Vucic said.

Serbia is building its own gas pipeline, the Serbian president emphasized, noting that no one cares that we are installing gas pipelines in our territory.

“We are going to buy the best gasoline. And I will not pay a scandal to anyone in the world and allow the country to be humiliated. I cannot think of it. We will release gasoline at the end of this year and Serbia will work, the industry will work and we will be the best of Europe”. growth rate next year, “Vucic said.

15. 12. 2020.


Sergei Lavrov: Komsic and Dzaferovic acted under the orders of some external forces

Lavrov said that today, the Croatian and Bosnian members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina boycotted the meeting with him on someone’s order, expressing the interests of some external forces.

Lavrov said he exchanged views with Serbian friends in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“The incident you mentioned is not essential for the position of Russia and for the development of relations with the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And the politicians who made that decision, I don’t think they are independent, they are obviously working on someone’s order. “Lavrov said.

He recalled that the former EU Foreign Minister, Federica Mogherini, a few years ago, when the Russian delegation arrived in the Balkans, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, said that it was an area of ​​EU interest and that others, including Russia, did not they had nothing to do there.

“It is a deeply rooted philosophy in several European countries, since colonial times. It is necessary to oppose this unacceptable approach,” Lavrov said.

15. 12. 2020.


Vučić: Serbia will not impose sanctions on Russia

President Vučić stated that everything related to the position of Serbia was discussed.

“I received significant information from Lavrov. From another angle, the situation in our country can be seen in a more objective way. As for what happened in Sarajevo, it would always be an insult for us not to receive the guest in the best possible way. , but each one chooses his own path, “said Vučić.

It notes that Serbia will not impose sanctions on the Russian Federation.

“That is the essence of an independent country that can make decisions independently,” the president emphasized.

15. 12. 2020.


“We advocate that Resolution 1244 be the basis for all agreements.”

“We welcomed Belgrade’s commitment to preserve military neutrality, to renounce joining sanctions against Russia. I am sure this helps promote peace and stability in the Balkans,” Lavrov said.

25 years have passed since the Dayton Accords. We are committed to the Dayton principles, Lavrov said.

“We also discussed the problem of Kosovo and Metohija. We advocate that Resolution 1244 be the basis of any agreement. The role of the EU as a mediator has practical results. Our position is immutable, we advocate seeking a compromise,” Lavrov said.

15. 12. 2020.


Sergey Lavrov: Russia appreciates Serbia’s balanced approach

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, thanked President Vučić and the Serbian leadership for welcoming the highest level and traditional Serbian hospitality.

“We have considered the situation in the region and the world, and we have especially referred to mutual cooperation in all areas, especially when it comes to agreements signed at the highest level,” Lavrov said.

The Russian minister made special reference to President Vučić’s participation in the parade in Moscow in June this year, confirming the common determination not to review history.

“And now, with the kindling of the eternal flame, we have confirmed our common commitment also in Belgrade,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov said that Russia appreciates Serbia’s balanced approach in relations with all countries.

“We also appreciate the policy of military neutrality, which helps peace in the region and opposes different trends,” said Russian Minister Sergei Lavrov.

15. 12. 2020.


Gratitude for help to strengthen Serbia’s defense capabilities

The President of Serbia thanked the help we received from the Russian Federation to strengthen our country’s defense capabilities.

Vučić said he spoke with the Russian minister about the situation in the region and the world.

“We exchanged views and I expressed my personal concern about the situation in the region and expressed the hope that we will have sufficient strength to solve all problems through peaceful talks and means, and that is a permanent commitment of Serbia,” said the president. from Serbia.

15. 12. 2020.


Vučić: Serbia wants to keep its freedom on its own

After meeting with the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov, in the villa “Mir”, President Vučić stated that they had held detailed and exhaustive talks on their deep relations, bilateral relations, mainly between Serbia and the Russian Federation , emphasized friendly character.

“We confirm our strategic commitment to continue to develop on the basis of exceptional mutual respect and, whenever possible, to continue to improve relationships whenever possible in all aspects of social life,” said Vucic.

We believe that we have a joint role with the Russian Federation in defending the truth about what happened in the Second World War, Vučić noted.

“One should not be particularly clever because there are various attempts to falsify history, and the words of Sergei Lavrov today are a guarantee that we will oppose such falsification with joint efforts and that we will teach children and grandchildren who are the people who they really fought for freedom, “Vucic said.

He once again expressed his gratitude to Russia and President Putin for the significant financial support provided for the construction of the “most beautiful temple in the world.”

He added that there was talk of energy, from technical-military cooperation, economy, construction of infrastructure facilities, to the rest of the areas.

Serbia has made the decision to maintain its military neutrality, and that “is not in doubt”.

“Serbia will not be part of military blocs, it wants to protect its freedom by itself,” Vucic said.

15. 12. 2020.


The match between Vučić and Lavrov has started

The bilateral meeting between the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, began at around 4.30 pm in Villa “Mir”.

The meeting was also attended by Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko, as well as Minister Nenad Popovic.

After the meeting, around 5.30 pm, Vučić and Lavrov are scheduled to address the public.

You can watch the live stream on RTS 1 and on the RTS website.

Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

Sergei Lavrov landed in Belgrade around 12:40, and at the airport “Nikola Tesla” was received by the head of Serbian diplomacy, Nikola Selaković.

Aleksandar Vučić and Sergej Lavrov visited the exhibition dedicated to World War II, after which they attended the eternal fire lighting ceremony at the Liberators Memorial Cemetery in Belgrade.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said the debt to fallen heroes is great “as much as our freedom is great.”

He pointed out that the Russian and Serbian peoples were on the same side of law, justice and freedom.

“That is why our task today is to fight against the rewriting of history,” Vucic said.

Addressing the audience, Sergei Lavrov said that it was a great honor for him to participate in the ceremony of lighting the eternal fire. He conveyed the greetings of Russian President Vladimir Putin to everyone.

As he said, Nazism broke down 70 years ago, and Soviet soldiers fought heroically alongside the NOVJ soldiers.

He recalled the “brotherhood of arms” that helped defend the values ​​of peace, life and justice.

Russia’s aide to the president, Vladimir Medinski, said that Serbian patriots helped the Red Army defend the homeland.

President Vučić and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited the Temple of Saint Sava in Vračar, where they laid flowers on the grave of the recently deceased Serbian Patriarch Irinej.

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and the Serbian people on the completion of the mosaic in the Temple of the Holy Council of Sava, noting that cooperation between Serbian and Russian teachers in that effort is a symbol of fraternal friendship and spiritual closeness between the two peoples.

After visiting the Temple of Saint Sava in Vracar, Vučić told reporters that the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov, was amazed by the beauty of the mosaic, which extends over 15,000 square meters, but also by the crypt in the temple where he was now for the first time.

He thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for their help in the construction of the Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade.

The Russian Foreign Minister continued his visit to Serbia with a meeting with his Serbian colleague Nikola Selaković at the Foreign Ministry.

Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic thanked Russia and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for their principled stance on the issue of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, as well as for always raising their voices in the international political arena to preserve the interests of Serbia.
