Serbia to overtake Croatia in terms of GDP next year


Serbia will not recognize Kosovo’s independence as long as I am president, Aleksandar Vučić said tonight on the special program “First issue”.

– I think the best question is whether or not you are in favor of recognizing Kosovo’s independence. So the answer would be yes, yes and no. Until April 2022, when the elections for the president of Serbia are, that will not happen, and we will see later – said Vučić.

The focus of the program is on relations in the region 25 years after the Dayton Agreement. Vučić pointed out from the outset that any revision of the Dayton Accord can only come with a full consensus of the three constituent peoples.

– The three constituent peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina are asking about the Dayton Agreement, not about the Igman Initiative and not about the President of Serbia. They will tell you that they are not in favor of abolishing the Republika Srpska. His essential plan is to remove RS authorizations – said Vučić.

Vučić said that the most important thing for Serbia is to preserve the peace and that the importance of the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina was never allowed to be emphasized, despite certain statements.

“We respect the Dayton Agreement,” Vučić said, adding that they do not want the Federation or the Republika Srpska to have any authority.

In addition to the president of Serbia, the guests of the fair are the executive director of the Open Society Foundation Milan Antonijevic and the professor of the Faculty of Political Science Ivo Viskovic.

Vučić asked Antonijević and Visković, as signatories to the Igman Initiative, what exactly they would change, more precisely which jurisdiction they would transfer to which side.

– What would the wonderful people you support do? Tell me in one sentence or you won’t tell us either. When you put things in black and white, you will never get an answer from them. Or you will get the answer from Bisera Turkovic, that Dodik is Hitler and that the Republika Srpska should not exist – said Vucic.

Photo: TV Prva / screenshot

The president stressed that it is incomprehensible for anyone to compare the representative of the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the most suffering people in the Balkans, with Hitler.

– That’s why I ask the foreign representatives. What are we going to change? Here I explain why I ask that. Since the establishment of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the competences of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been only customs policy, monetary policy, migration policy, etc. Everything else is under the jurisdiction of the entity – said Vučić and continued:

– We respect the Dayton Agreement and the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But the goal is to disempower the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But let me remind you of a detail. The SDA is a serious political party, the largest in the Federation in every way. In their congress, they made certain decisions, where they advocate for the division of Bosnia and Herzegovina into five or more multi-ethnic regions. The Republika Srpska is not mentioned. And here we see what is cooking and what is being rolled behind the hill.

Vučić told Antonijević that Belgrade’s policy is not destructive and that the problem is territorial integrity.

– I really tried during the eight years, and I did the best I could, not to respond to dozens of insults and slander about how I killed with a sniper in Sarajevo, and I kept silent and always reached out because I think Bosnia and Herzegovina must be the best partner from Serbia. , and that relations between Serbs and Bosnians must be good – said Vučić.

He pointed out that he did not believe that the situation for the Bosnians was easy and that they were the only ones in Bosnia who suffered more than the Serbs, and that we should have reverence for their victims.

– I tried to build the best possible relationships. And with the turnover of people, services and capital, as well as large investments, which were never limited to just RS, we tried to bring people together and have Serbs and Bosnians live together.

Vučić emphasized that things in Serbia have completely and irreversibly changed, and that our country has become the best in terms of growth of the worst economy in Europe.

– And in the fight against the crown, we are among the best in Europe. It seems to me that we are used to wasting all the time, even in politics, which is no longer true. We will save to be alone and to help our people, according to the possibilities.

He points out that Serbia has never violated, for example, the independence of Montenegro, and that we only ask for basic rights for Serbs, considering the number of Serbs living in this country.

Serbia to overtake Croatia in terms of GDP next year

Vučić then spoke about the attacks against him and responded to Milan Antonijević that they constantly called him a traitor.

– They say that I killed my own son, because for those who do not know, a child was left dead in my arms, so they believe that I killed him. So they say my father is Fahri Musliu, not Andjelko. They didn’t tell Mr. Antonijevic that he was a traitor, but me, every day – emphasized Vucic, with which both Antonijevic and Viskovic agreed, who said that attacks on anyone’s family deserve the severest penalties.

The president said then that no one reacted to those attacks and emphasized that he did not need protection, but that he would not present as victims those who were attacked fifty times less.

– On Monday, the three largest Croatian lists published author texts about me. Have you seen so many texts about the president of another country appear in one country? There are no personal insults in those texts, those are his political opinions, and I accept it. You know why this is so, because at this time next year, for the first time in its history, Serbia will surpass Croatia in GDP. The Serbian economy cannot be stopped. I understand why everyone hates us. We will end this year with $ 2.9 billion, at the time of the crown. We have to suffer and keep silent, because peace and stability are in our favor – said Vučić.

He stressed that the best example of the fact that the “Toyota Tires” factory, one of the largest tire factories in the world, was inaugurated amid the coronavirus epidemic in Serbia.

– Fantastic investment. Serbia will finish this year with 2.9 billion. Of course we will upset many, but we must endure and endure. Because good relationships with everyone are also important to us.
