SERBIA REMAINS ON THE LIST Austria removed parts of Croatia and Bulgaria from the list of risk countries


Austria today revised the list of countries that it marked as risky for the travel of its citizens and eliminated certain regions of Croatia and Bulgaria, while Serbia remained on the list of risk countries.

When asked by Tanjug why this was not done for Serbia, which has a more favorable epidemiological situation than many European countries, the Austrian Foreign Ministry told Tanjug that the decision is made based on several criteria.

“As of tomorrow, a partial travel warning is valid for Croatia and Bulgaria, meaning only certain regions of the two countries are exempted. The assessment of the country’s security situation for Austrian passengers is based on several factors. that are taken into account when evaluating Kovid’s situation, “he explained. It is from the Ministry.

It is stated that the safety of Austrian citizens is always the top priority for the Ministry in the overall assessment.

In response to Tanjug, the Ministry pointed out that the decisive criteria, among others, include epidemiological development, that is, the number of new infected people per 100,000 inhabitants and the number of tests per 100,000 inhabitants.

The possibility of entering the country and mobility are also taken into account, that is, if there are entry bans, flights, curfew, etc.

Other criteria are medical precautions, such as testing and a quarantine provision, as well as medical supplies and hospital facilities.

In Vienna, they indicate in detail the number of new infected among the returnees from the trip.

“The Kovid situation for all countries, including Serbia, is constantly being analyzed and adapted, so that the level of alert can change at any time and in case of positive sustainable development, mitigation measures can be taken. In this regard , the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in constant contact with the Ministry, health, as well as internal affairs, and the position of chancellor, “the reply said.
