Serbia Predicts the Brightest Future for the Region; Big economies: even bigger problems


Belgrade – The IMF today released an updated report in October indicating that Serbia will have an economic recession even less than expected in April.

Source: B92



That is, the latest estimate from this international institution predicts that Serbia will have a decrease of 2.5 percent, compared to the three percent previously projected.

Judging by the figures that can be found on the IMF website, the forecasts for our country are the most optimistic in the region: the least economic decline is expected.

Black tips for Montenegrins and Croats

Therefore, a drop of 6.5% is forecast for Bosnia and Herzegovina, a drop of 9% for Croatia and a drop of 6.7% for Slovenia.

North Macedonia will have a 5.4% drop, Albania 7.5%, Bulgaria a 4% drop and Romania 4.8%.

Montenegro is forecast to fall almost six times more than Serbia: 12 percent.

Big economies: even bigger problems

For some of the most developed economies in the world, the International Monetary Fund predicts a significant decline. Therefore, France and the United Kingdom are forecast to have identical declines, up to 9.8 percent.

Germany is more secure online, so the IMF expects a six percent drop in its future.

When it comes to the world’s two strongest economies, the United States is forecast to fall 4.3 percent, while China, after all the trouble with the pandemic, managed to fight for good forecasts, so analyzes show which expects a growth of 1.9 percent.
