SERBIA ON THE EDGE OF DISASTER! The third wave of the crown is so BRUTAL that black records are falling day by day, and experts say: THE WORST IS JUST FOLLOWS


In recent days, we have faced the blackest numbers when the newly ill and deceased of the crown in question, and the conclusion is clear: the third wave is more cruel and brutal than the previous two, and its end is not yet. in sight. What is closer, instead, is the peak or peak of this third wave, and apparently, it will happen in the next few days.

This is what the statistics say.

The first wave lasted from the beginning of March to the end of May, more precisely 82 days, and the peak was on the 37th, that is, on April 16. There were 445 infected that day, and then the curve started to go down, and in the second half of May it was pretty flat.

    The epidemiological curve during the first two waves appears only slightly wavy in relation to the rapid increase in the third.Photo: COVID19 / screenshot

The epidemiological curve during the first two waves appears only slightly wavy in relation to the rapid increase in the third.

The second wave lasted longer, 110 days, from early June to mid-September. The peak followed later than the first wave, more precisely on day 61. On July 26, the number of infected reached 467 in 24 hours.

Third cruel wave

If we compare these parameters with those of the third wave, which lasted 60 days, and yesterday, November 14, the highest number of new infections was registered, with 3,822 new cases, it is clear that this figure is drastically higher than the first two waves . Experts predict that this, so far the most ruthless wave, which started earlier than previously thought, will last longer than the previous two, and based on what we heard from our experts today, the curve will not go downhill for some time.

The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, thus predicted that a new jump in the number of patients with the corona virus is expected in the next seven days.

– The Ministry of Health will do everything possible to provide each patient with the necessary care, as well as hospital treatment, if necessary – Djerlek told reporters after the conference dedicated to World Diabetes Day.

– Based on current weak signals, the end of the third wave can be seen around March 15. However, the date may approach the New Year, but it can also go until April … – recently said prof. Dr. Petar Kocovic during a special appearance on TV Prva.

In the coming days, as you said earlier this week, the peak or peak of this third wave is expected.

– We expect the peak in the next ten days, and then the number of infected people should start to decrease. You can “escape” for another day, but it won’t last until the New Year. And I suppose we will introduce some measures – said prof. Kocovic.

The speed with which the virus is spreading is also demonstrated by the fact that we met a record number of recently infected people in one day on Wednesday, the day after this statement by Professor Kočović. The question is when the curve will finally start to fall, and considering that we will only have the winter months and colder weather affecting the spread of the virus, it is uncertain if this will happen in the near future.

Infectious disease specialist Zarko Rankovic explains that winter is “dangerous”, but also that the more infected citizens we have, the easier the infection will spread and, therefore, the fight against the plague will last longer.

– This wave will last drastically longer for several reasons. The first is that we are already deep into fall and winter is just around the corner. This is the time of year when respiratory infections like the corona virus explode. On the other hand, it is precisely because the days will be colder and people will spend more time indoors. As a result, the infection will spread faster and reach humans more easily. On top of all that, a collision of the crown and seasonal flu is expected in January, which can create big problems and since when we all fear – says Ranković.

Seven days in November in total four months since the beginning of the epidemic

The fact that a total of 12,232 new coronavirus cases were recorded in Serbia in the first seven days of November alone speaks volumes about how intense and strong this third wave is. For the sake of comparison, from the first case recorded on March 6 to June 14, we had a total of 12,310 patients.

The epidemiological curve does not stop growing and now it seems that the third wave has completely “submerged” the first two, and what figures will rise on the graph and when it will finally begin to fall depends exclusively on respecting epidemiological measures.

VIDEO: Why do we lose our sense of taste when we get infected with the corona virus?
