Serbia on Israel’s Green List: “We welcome the results of the negotiations in Washington”


Today, President Aleksandar Vučić received credentials from Israel’s Ambassador Jahel Villan, who conveyed the greetings of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Source: Tanjug

He said that as of today, citizens of Serbia do not have to be quarantined after arriving in that country, and welcomed the results of the talks in Washington.

Ambassador Vilan informed President Vučić for the first time that as of today, for Israel, Serbia is on the so-called “green list”, meaning that Serbian citizens do not have to be quarantined upon arrival in that country.

In this sense, the two interlocutors also discussed the measures that the two countries are taking to eliminate the consequences of the kovida 19 pandemic on their economy, announced the Office of Cooperation with the Media of the Presidency.

Wishing Ambassador Villan a successful diplomatic mandate in Belgrade, President Vučić expressed satisfaction with the steady progress of political dialogue and economic cooperation between Serbia and Israel.

He pointed out that the mutual respect and solidarity of the two peoples, who throughout history often shared a tragic fate, especially during World War II, contributed to this.

He also said that there is no place for anti-Semitism in Serbia and recalled many legal solutions, which were adopted to respect the rights of the local Jewish community, and which give a stamp to the general relations with the Jewish people.

President Vučić expressed satisfaction with the recent conversation with Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu and his understanding of the positions of Serbia.

President Vučić said that Serbia supports the establishment of lasting peace and stability in the Middle East.

He noted that he hopes that in the future a way will be found to reach an agreement that will contribute to a better life for all the people of that region.

Ambassador Villan said he was closely following President Vučić’s exceptional commitment to forging closer ties between the two countries and welcomed the results of the talks in Washington.

The two interlocutors expressed their hope that in the coming years more Israeli investors will get to know each other better and use the favorable conditions to invest in the Serbian market.

According to the statement, the office of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Economy, which will soon open in Jerusalem, will also contribute a lot to that.
