Serbia must prepare to return to Kosovo!



24.12.2020. 17:39

Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic sees the recent events in Kosovo and the decision of the Constitutional Court in Pristina that the vote of a deputy during the election of the Kosovo government, Avdulah Hoti, is invalid, which creates the conditions for new elections within the 40 days, as a “play” directed by Pristina, the European Union. Union and United States.

Balkan map

Balkan dad, Photo: silkscreen

Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic sees the recent events in Kosovo and the decision of the Constitutional Court in Pristina that the vote of a deputy during the election of the Kosovo government, Avdulah Hoti, is invalid, which creates the conditions for new elections within the 40 days, as a “play” directed by Pristina, the European Union. Union and United States.

“Western factors allow Albanian politicians to do whatever they want. I think behind it all is the attempt by the West to” undermine “all the agreements reached so far with Serbia. Some agreements, guaranteed by the European Union, were never implemented. by the Albanians, while it was removed from Serbia through concessions, “says Andjelković.

As especially paradoxical, it highlights the EU’s interpretation that the so-called Kosovo government is not legitimate, but what it has done so far is legitimate.

“In other words, the current Pristina government must go, but everything it has done remains. The Albanians still do not have the capacity to do something that is expected of them, and it is in favor of Serbia, and Serbia should continue to make concessions. “. it is a complete game of deceiving Serbia and Serbian interests, involving Pristina, the EU and the US, ”says Andjelković.

According to him, Albanian politicians in Kosovo, in dispute and divided among themselves, agree on only one thing, and that is “to carry out anti-Serbian and separatist policies”.

As he puts it, they know they want to choose a “Greater Albania project” at any cost, but are divided on who should be in the foreground.

“The so-called Kosovo does not have a stable political situation or a strong government, nor in the future any political party that could become so. There are several factors that are in constant struggle. In that struggle, they go to warmongering and chauvinistic extremes because they know how to get cheap political points ”, commented the interlocutor.

He adds that the institutional crisis in Kosovo and Metohija and for the second time in a row the “overthrow” of the Pristina government in the last year and a half should not concern Serbia.

He believes that Serbia should immediately give up more concessions.

“Serbia should energetically start to establish all the institutions it had in the north of the province by 2013, that is, until the Brussels agreement. This is the latest proof that the Brussels agreement is absolutely dead,” Andjelkovic believes.
