Serbia is unwavering in the fight for peace and its contribution to world security


VUCIC RESPONDS TO POMPE'S PRAISE: Serbia steadfast in the fight for peace and its contribution to world security

Photo: EPA / ERIK S. LESSER, Marina Lopicic

Today, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić responded to the praise of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo regarding Serbia’s intention to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

“Following the tradition of honorable ancestors, Serbia continues to fight against all threats to peace, both inside and outside our country. Rest assured, dear friend @SecPompeo, that we stand firm in the fight for peace and stability, thus contributing to overall global security. ” Vučić wrote.

Pompeo previously said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić made a big move when Serbia joined the United States, Germany and Britain in an effort to suppress Hezbollah activities.

photo: Printskrin

“A great move by President Vučić,” Pompeo wrote on Twitter, adding that “Hezbollah’s European operations are collapsing like dominoes.”

Serbia’s announcement that it will brand Hezbollah as a terrorist organization helps to further limit that terrorist group’s ability to raise funds and operate in the region, the US Secretary of State estimates.


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