Serbia is the first in Europe, the third in the world and we still have 11 million vaccines


Looking at the average of seven days of vaccinated people per 100 people, Serbia, according to the Oxford University website Our world in data, ranks first in Europe and third in the world. Only Israel and the United Arab Emirates are ahead of our country in terms of the number of vaccinated, and as Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced, an agreement on the acquisition of additional quantities of vaccines against the coronavirus will be signed earlier this week and He recalled that Serbia has already signed an agreement to purchase 6.5 million doses.

– With the new additional quantities, for which we will sign the contract on Monday or Tuesday, it will be a total of 11 million vaccines – announced the Prime Minister, adding that so far 438,000 people have been vaccinated in Serbia.

vaccination, vaccine
photo: Printscreen / Our World in Data

Brnabić pointed out that there will be enough doses for revaccination, because when each contingent of vaccines arrives, half are immediately separated from the side.

– Great Britain, due to the enormous problems with the virus and a large number of infected, decided to revaccinate people at 12 weeks, and not at three weeks, that is, they practically give a single dose, which is not the case of us. . It would be like giving the 1,170,000 vaccines that we have in the country to everyone in Serbia, but only one dose. We would have more than a million vaccinated, but then we could only wait for the doses to arrive for the revaccination. We have a different strategy, we always reserve half of the delivery received for revaccination – Brnabić told TV Pink, adding that certain quantities of the “Pfizer” vaccine are arriving today.

In Serbia, as he stated, the leader in vaccination percentage is Raska, then Kursumlija, while Belgrade is ranked 21st among local self-governments.

(R. Kantar)

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