Serbia is still waiting for a new government, analysts say, it all depends on one man


Although almost three months have passed since the elections, Serbia still does not have a new government. While the president of Serbia and the Serbian Progressive Party Aleksandar Vučić says it will be formed at the end of the month, analysts note that everything in Serbia depends on one man and that it will remain so after the election of the new government.

Citizens of Serbia went to the polls on June 21 to elect a new parliament and government. However, while progressives won 188 seats, or more than two-thirds of the seats in parliament, it is not yet known who will form the new ruling majority and government. Aleksandar Vučić announces that he could form at the end of September.

“Forming a government in such complex and complex conditions in the world is very important so that we can in the best way with a new and even greater energy and great strength and devotion that we must show to our own country, so that we can respond to such challenges in the best possible way. “I hope that we will also intensify that formal work, and I believe that we will elect a government before the end of the month,” Vucic said.

And while Serbia is still waiting, in the countries of the region that had elections after Serbia, new governments have already been formed or agreements have been reached on who will do it.

Elections were held in Croatia on July 5 and the country won a new government on July 23. Elections in North Macedonia were held on July 15, and the parliament elected a new government two weeks later. Voters in Montenegro went to the polls on August 30, and on September 9 three coalitions signed an agreement on principles for the formation of a new government.

The question that arises is: why does Aleksandar Vučić wait so long for the formation of a new ruling coalition and executive branch?

“We have a man who is the absolute power and who does not need any of that, he does not need a parliament, he does not need a government. Hence, a man comes to the conclusion that the government is a pure mirage and that he will form a government when need it, otherwise it is He would never have been formed. Because these outsiders are looking for a government. You know, you did not form … Ugh … Yes, I did not form it, now I will form it “, says the journalist Slobodan Stupar.

And even as a new parliamentary majority and government is formed, as Talas portal editor Milos Nikolic points out about recent examples of negotiations on Kosovo and the Serbian army’s decision to suspend all exercises with all partners for six months, it is Of course, everything will depend on the evaluation of a single man. .

“Everything will continue to be decided directly as Vučić estimates politically, without blaming the East or the West. Of course, this is not sustainable and further degrades all the institutions of our country, because the President of the Republic has concentrated all the power of decision on the inside, what we “You know, now we see to the end that all aspects of domestic, foreign and defense policy also depend exclusively on the assessment of Aleksandar Vučić,” says Nikolić.

It should be remembered that with the constitution of the Assembly on August 3, the legal term of 90 days for the formation of the new Government of Serbia began to run.
