“Serbia is preparing for the worst case”


Belgrade – Health Minister Zlatibor Lonar stated that the first patients were placed in the temporary covid hospital in the Belgrade Arena.

Source: Tanjug

He told reporters after a meeting with the directors of covid-hospitals.

The number of people infected with the coronavirus is increasing, but also the number of patients in the hospital, Health Minister Zatibor Lonar said today.

He, after a meeting with the directors of the covid-hospitals, said that the Arena received the first covid-patients yesterday afternoon and that there are currently about 15 patients there.

The capacity of the covid-hospitals is over 60 percent, so we have opened the Arena, Lonar said, adding that patients with a mild clinical picture from the hospitals “Dragia Miovi”, KBC Karaburma, Beanijska kosa and the Infectious Disease Clinic will be transferred to the Arena.

Remember that the necessary gases have been distributed in the sand, and that “in the end, it will offer the power to treat even the most difficult patients.”

Lonar appealed to all citizens to report to Kovid’s ambulance on time, to show their first symptoms. As he said, kovid hospitals are being prepared in Batajnica and Krujevac, with 1,000 places each, in which more than 1,000 health and non-medical workers will work.

“We are preparing for the worst-case scenario, we are following what is happening in the region and in Europe, I think we have relaxed more than we should. Serbia still has a good result, but everything can change if they are not respected. measures. I appeal to all citizens “Let’s not play make and mia with the measures because we have to think about patients who also suffer from other diseases,” Lonar said.

He stated that each individual should take care of what is best for their health and how to protect themselves from the coronavirus.

Are there any new measures?

When asked if he was considering introducing new measures, he said we needed a balance between the measures and the functioning of the state.

“If you want to give medicines, salaries to employees, new hospitals, that cannot be achieved if everything is closed. It is not the measures that are going to defeat the crown, that is our conscience,” said the minister.

He emphasized that the measures will not help if citizens do not understand that it is important to adhere to them, because that way we protect ourselves and others.

“It is not realistic that we are so irresponsible that someone needs to lock us in the house so that we understand what we have to do. It was necessary at a time when we did not know enough about the virus itself,” he concluded.

New vaccines are coming

In the next day or two, additional quantities of 50,000 doses of imported seasonal flu vaccine will reach health centers in Serbia, says Health Minister Zlatibor Loar.

After the meeting with the directors of the covid-hospitals, he told reporters that currently there are Torlak vaccines against seasonal flu in health centers and that they are absolutely safe. They can be received by citizens from 18 to 65 years old.

“Our trucks are going for additional quantities today, it’s 50,000 additional doses that should arrive in a day or two. After that, additional quantities arrive every few days,” Lonar said.

He advises citizens, who want to protect themselves from the flu, to register with the competent health center that they want to be vaccinated and they will be invited to receive the vaccine.

“In the next day or two, we expect that 50,000 additional doses will be distributed in all health centers in Serbia. We will receive additional quantities of the Torlak vaccine,” the minister said.

He said citizens could choose whether to receive the Torlak vaccine or the imported one.

“There are many people who insist on the Torlak vaccine. We have a record vaccination coverage and that is a good precondition so that seasonal viruses (such as influenza) do not cross with the corona,” concluded the minister.
