Serbia is one step away from CUTTING the work of cafes and restaurants, and now the owners have announced THAT THESE ARE YOUR REQUIREMENTS


In all likelihood, cafes and restaurants could be the first to suffer further measures due to the increasingly difficult situation caused by the corona virus. In the coming days, all of our experts and government representatives will announce something like this, so it is only a matter of time before their working hours are shortened. On that occasion, they have now been announced.

One of the measures proposed by the Crisis Staff to the Government refers to the work of cafes and restaurants, more precisely to shorten their working hours, and keep them open until 6:00 p.m.

– Potentially stricter measures could shorten the working hours of entertainment venues Now the bars are open until 11 at night, and we have proposed that the working hours be reduced to 6 in the afternoon. However, let us remind you that the measure to wear masks inside the bar is already in force – said the immunologist and member of the Crisis Staff, Dr. Srdja Janković.

A particularly serious situation with the lack of respect for epidemiological measures lately has been in the capital, where illegal parties have been organized away from the public eye. We have all witnessed images of clubs in the capital where there are many more people than prescribed without respecting the distance and, of course, without masks.

For this reason, the statements of the members of the Crisis Staff, who most discussed the matter in the session held on Thursday, are not surprising.

According to Dr. Kon, the best measure would be to ban nightclubs, and the results of stricter measures could be seen in two weeks.

– Belgium and France have, for example, a decrease in the number of infected. That should not fool us because we are facing the winter season. Therefore, the spread of the virus, which is more present in nightclubs, must be avoided. After two weeks, we would see if these stricter measures would pay off – he explained.

Predrag KonPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Predrag Kon

However, the caterers don’t agree with that, as they say, it depends on the work they do, and now they are saying to everyone: “Let’s breathe.”

Miša Relić from the Association of Bars and Clubs told RTS that she hopes the city of Belgrade will reduce the rent in accordance with the situation on the ground and that she will not give up. Those who live off bars have come together and are asking the state for help.

The clubs are often called breeding grounds. Relic says everything is strange.

“It’s just amazing to me that we are a hotbed of infection where we currently work at 25 percent capacity – a restaurant that seats 400 can now accommodate 85 guests and 15 employees,” Relic said.

I know that there are clubs that have made some calculations and have decided to work outside of these measures, to pay fines because it is logical that with 25 percent capacity they cannot survive. But it is not clear to me how we are a breeding ground for contagions and not a breeding ground for buses. that have 31 square meters in which 60 people travel ”, asked Relic.

In 400 square meters you have 85 people

Speaking of the bus and club comparison, Relić says that in 400 square meters you have 85 people, that is, 4 square meters per person.

He says that he did not work last night and that a large number of colleagues closed the bars. “We have two options, to work normally and for the state to shut them down and help.”

Belgrade, rafts, clubs, crown Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

Belgrade, rafts, clubs, crown

Since the beginning of October, 30 percent of colleagues have not opened winter spaces and 70 percent have started doing something, he noted. “You have a 100 percent market, which realizes that for 400 people, of that 100 percent, you earn for 150 or 180 people; the rest are costs, acquisitions, rentals, security,” Relic says.

If you came from 400 to 100 people, that is, 85 to fully comply with the measures, you are in the red, this cannot be done, Relic explained.

Speaking of the proposals, he says that the Prime Minister heard them in June, when they managed to agree on some things, so that the bars would not close before 11 at night.

According to him, it means little to the clubs, they can’t work until 11 a.m. because they start working from 11 a.m. to 5 or 6 a.m., that’s the working hours.

– Restaurants if you close at 9 pm – you have closed restaurants. What we agreed with Ana Brnabić is that at least the restaurants will stay open until 11 am – says Relić.

They ask for a rent reduction

They had a meeting with representatives of the City of Belgrade, where they asked that the rent be adjusted to the accounts according to the situation on the ground.

Suggest that the state help nightclubs and clubs. “First, we hope that the city will reduce the rent according to how much our capacity has been reduced and we will not give up, we are waiting for a meeting with the mayor and the deputy mayor, we have already had a conversation with Mr. Vesic, they agreed to have another meeting” . he said.

Relic says that they have 17 taxes that they pay to the city of Belgrade for the period the work is prohibited, that is, they are reduced by 80 or 90 percent, and the taxes are paid “in full”, so he wonders on what basis.

They suggest meeting with state leaders to see how the state has helped clubs. “Employees received help, we were left with only contribution accounts, for our employees who have not been able to do their work in the last eight months, six months,” Relic noted.
