
Epidemiologist Predrag Kon, a member of the crisis staff, today assessed that Serbia is in a critical situation, especially in Belgrade, where the epidemiological situation has changed from an emergency to a catastrophic one, because, as he says, there is no place for a increased patient admission.

He affirms that there is an increase in the number of patients in the interior of Serbia and that there are a small number of places where the situation is not extraordinary, but he estimates that there is still room for calls from the Italian scene.

– The potential of the virus has been seen, the number of patients is growing much faster than at the beginning, in the first wave. There is still room for the calls of the Italian scene and the elasticity of our health care system is something exceptional – said Kon for RT Vojvodina.

Kon said that a group of all the directors of covid hospitals, together with the minister at the helm, made a system of opening new hospitals and expanding capacities that he has never seen or learned about, but that works.

– In those situations, the orthopedics in Banjica was closed twice. We sacrifice parts of the system on the other side when we open a hospital and reduce the ability to treat other diseases. In the end, it will be seen what the consequences are, no one should say that there will be none – Kon said.

He expressed the view that we are not going to get into a situation where someone returns without being able to get help, adding that it could probably happen that kovid patients are discharged faster.

Kon said it was bad that the crisis staff did not ensure that the measures were implemented, but that the work organization itself was well implemented.

Based on all the information from crisis personnel, Kon says, there is enough of everything from tests and diagnostics to the drugs themselves, oxygen.

Kon explains that the coronavirus entered the family, that it passed from the place of contagion, and that now the measures were delayed when it was necessary to act extremely abruptly in discos, places for parties, celebrations, weddings, birthdays that took place throughout the summer, even in September.

Kon notes that the support given at the beginning of the pandemic is unforgettable in the history of preventive medicine in Serbia, but believes that at this time there is not enough support for the medical side of crisis personnel.

When asked what we are going to do next and if the time has come to shut down like many European countries, Kon says that he does not believe that all those countries have closed completely and that we only see all of that on television.

– If you had filmed Belgrade at 10 at night, you would have seen the same thing, there was no one on the streets. These are now evaluations of whether it is necessary to close completely or to shorten working hours even more. The profession is clear – and that is the prohibition of contacts and the use of masks to the maximum – concluded Kon.
