“Serbia is building a completely new infrastructure, people will not be able to recognize this country” VIDEO


Belgrade – Construction Minister Tomislav Momirovi said that the situation with the coronavirus is destroying our economy and that we must enter into some kind of relaxation.

Source: B92, TV Prva

Photo: Printskrin / TV Prva

Photo: Printskrin / TV Prva

“This is really a state of war, but wars are now being fought technologically and we have gone back to the beginning of the century, where the people are on the front line, and it is the doctors,” he said.

He said that all this “outside destroys our economy, greatly ruins employment, and especially youth employment.” “We have to relax,” he said.

He said that the works in Serbia were going well and that they were also under control under these circumstances.

“We have opened works on the first section between Pojat and Kruevac and we hope they will be completed next year,” he said.

Momirovi stated that these are corridors that people still cannot see as much as they know.

“Pojate – Peljina, which connects Kruevac and Kraljevo, and another 500,000 people who live on the route, a 110-kilometer long corridor. Ten years ago, no one could have dreamed of this,” Momirovi said.

He stated that Serbia is building a completely new infrastructure. “In a few years, people will not be able to recognize this country,” he said.

He recalled the trams that the Siemens Mobility company is building in Kragujevac. According to him, complete trams are being built there, which will go to Bremen, Germany, where they will circulate through its streets. It is, as he says, a factory that significantly develops the history of Serbian engineering.

“Kragujevac is becoming a serious industrial center,” Momirovi said.

He said an airport would be built in Krujevac next year. As he said, this is not a “megalman project”, but a “modern small airport” will be built.
