Serbia is between cyclones, latest weather forecast indicates clear and immediate danger



07.12.2020. 10:23 – 07.12.2020. 10:28

Meteorologist Djordje Đurić posted the forecast for the next period on his Facebook account and brought us the answer to the question that interests everyone: when will the basket stop ringing?

Storm, rain, weather, clouds

Storm, rain, weather, clouds, Photo:

Đurić writes that a strong Mediterranean cyclone brings a flood and a hurricane to southern Italy and the Adriatic area from Slovenia through Croatia and Montenegro to Albania, as well as that the waves in the Adriatic are up to 7 meters.

– Up to 500 mm of rain is expected to fall on the southern and eastern slopes of the Alps, and up to 3 meters of snow in the higher areas. Serbia between the Mediterranean cyclone and the anticyclone over Russia. A storm is blowing and hurricane gusts of up to 140 km / h are expected! Temperature this weekend and 17 ° C. This is followed by less cooling with frequent rainfall. Until when will the basket blow, when will it weaken and come to a complete stop – writes Đurić.

He writes that there is a very strong cyclone over the central Mediterranean, and it was created as a consequence of the movement of a strong cyclone from the Atlantic through Western Europe and the movement of the frontal disturbance and the cold front through the Alps. The center of this secondary cyclone is over the Gulf of Genoa and northern Italy and is moving slowly towards the northern part of the Adriatic. The pressure value in the center of the cyclone was reduced to 995 mb.

This very strong cyclone brings very heavy rains and strong thunders and storms to all of Italy, but also stormy and hurricane-force winds. More than 100mm of rain is expected to fall per square meter, and the heaviest precipitation is expected in the Alps, where more than 300mm of rain will fall, and on the southern slopes of the Alps, in northeastern Italy, is they expect up to 500mm of rain locally. so catastrophic floods and torrents are possible. So this is the precipitation that falls on average in Serbia in just under a year. In the higher regions of the Alps, that is. Above 1800 meters above sea level, very abundant amounts of snow are expected, locally up to 3 meters, and the snow will be accompanied by loud thunder. Otherwise, extreme amounts of precipitation in the Alps and northeastern Italy are the result of a strong cyclone, strong southern current, and orography. Huge amounts of precipitation will be received in south-west Austria, but also north-west, west and south-west Slovenia, where up to 2 meters of snow will fall in the mountains, and in the lower regions 100 to 300 mm of rain per meter square – wrote the famous meteorologist. additional:

– At the same time, there is a strong anticon above Russia and Eastern Europe, and the pressure value exceeds 1044 mb. For that reason, throughout Eastern Europe, the areas of the Alps and the Black Sea are stable and dry, but also misty and cold.

As Đurić explained, Serbia falls between these two very strong and pronounced systems, but the central Mediterranean cyclone is more dominant, so the air pressure is falling. Last weekend it was sunny in Serbia due to the influx of very warm air mass from the south and the Mediterranean. So, Serbia is at the forefront of the central Mediterranean cyclone.

– As the air pressure gradient is very steep over Serbia, it is very windy. Košava in Belgrade, Vojvodina, Pomoravlje, Podunavlje, Braničevo district and in the mountains has strong gusts, and at the end of the day and at night gusts of 60 to 100 km / h are expected, and in the south of Banat and gusts of 140 km / h hurricane. x, especially in the Vršac area. Storm and hurricane baskets could cause property damage, endanger human and animal lives, and endanger traffic, so great caution is advised. – Appeals of Đurić.

Monday will be cloudy and noticeably colder with rain in Belgrade. A moderate to strong southeast wind will blow, with storm gusts up to 100 km / h in the morning. At the end of the day, the wind will weaken, but it will remain strong. Minimum temperature 5 ° C, daily maximum 7 ° C. Encouraging during the afternoon and evening.

In Serbia on Tuesday after a clear and cold morning, sometimes foggy, sunny during the day, with maximum temperatures of 6 to 12 ° C. During the afternoon and evening, cloudy, so Wednesday is expected to be cloudy with rain, in the highest mountains and in Negotinska Krajina with sleet and snow. Maximum temperature 3 to 10 ° C. From Thursday until the end of the week, it will be moderate to completely cloudy with rain, on the mountain with sleet and snow. The maximum temperature will generally be 6 to 12 ° C. The strong basket will blow until Thursday, and Wednesday will be stormy with gusts exceeding 100 km / h.

So a strong and stormy basket will blow in Serbia until Thursday. As of Friday, the wind is weak, from the northwest.

– Due to the expected storm and hurricane, it is recommended to be very careful outdoors and avoid staying in forest complexes, parks and other critical places. The expected impact of the basket can cause material damage and endanger human and animal lives. Great caution is advised in traffic, especially on bridges and overpasses, and side wind gusts can be especially dangerous, Đurić emphasized, thus explaining the bright side of high winds.

– The good side of this basket is that the air has finally cleared, so these days it is of excellent quality, except in Timočka and Negotinska Krajina and in the western and southern valleys of Serbia, where when the basket blows, there is no windy in those areas, with gloomy and hazy weather. with increased air pollution. By the way, throughout the month of November, the situation with polluted air was alarming, as it was influenced by the action of a strong anticyclone, with very high air pressure and a lot of emission current.
