24.11.2020. 13:48 – 24.11.2020. 14:10
He noted that that gold represents 14% of total foreign exchange reserves, which have doubled compared to 2018.

Photo: print screen
Today Serbia has 13.1 billion euros of foreign exchange reserves., of which there are 35.4 tons in gold, NBS Governor Jorgovanka Tabaković said today at the Belgrade Economic Forum.
He noted that this gold represents 14% of total foreign exchange reserves, which have doubled compared to 2018.
“After the purchase in 2019, in this year of crisis, according to the president and the government, we continue to act responsibly and increase foreign exchange reserves, the most stable part, that is, gold,” said Tabakovic.

Jorgovanka Tabaković, Photo: Tanjug / Sava Radovanović
He pointed out that in times of crisis, it is the obligation of decision makers around the world to act in sync, according to everything, it is an obligation with citizens.
Tabaković emphasized that the NBS is following a responsible policy and that because of that inflation has been low and stable for years, and we have a stable exchange rate.
He recalled that yesterday Serbia issued a ten-year Eurobond for 1,200 million dollars in the international financial market, at a coupon rate of 2,125 percent and a rate of return of 2.35 percent, and noted that Serbia achieved the best financing price 1,066 percent. what are the lowest interest rates so far.