Serbia has only 14 patients per 100,000, we are currently among the countries with the lowest risk of disease


SEAT OF CRISIS Dr. Darija: Serbia has only 14 patients per 100,000, we are currently among the countries with the lowest risk of disease

Photo: Printskrin / Tanjug

BELGRADE – Crisis staff members are addressing the public today at 3pm with the latest corona section and information on the kovid 19 virus.

In the last 24 hours, 7,422 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 75 tested positive. Unfortunately, one patient died, while in Serbian hospitals, 22 patients are on respirators.

photo: Printscreen

Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, deputy director of the Trampoline Institute, announced the latest cross-section and said that last Friday at 6 p.m. until 3 p.m. today, 32,000 Serbian citizens who had returned to the country from their summer holidays and from the second time abroad. According to the self-assessment test, 45 of them were sent to the ambulance for further laboratory tests and possibly medical assistance.

Crisis staff member prof. Zoran Gojković said there are currently 22 patients on ventilators. “Currently, 276 patients have been hospitalized, and since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 746 people have died as a result of covid 19,” Gojković said at the press conference. Seven children and four mothers are hospitalized at Dragisa Misovic Hospital.

Dr. Kisić Tepavčević stated that 36 coronavirus positive people were laboratory confirmed in Belgrade.

“The number of examinations in kovid clinics is stable, it is not growing, but it is not decreasing. The number of hospitalizations is less weekly. However, taking into account the epidemiological situation that surrounds us, that can change rapidly,” he said.

As he stated, Serbia is currently one of the countries with the lowest risk of disease, which is 14 per 100,000, while in some European countries it is 500 per 100,000. “It is not something that happened by chance, but we achieved it thanks to the application of general preventive measures. We hope it lasts that way, because now we are entering the season of respiratory infections,” she concluded.

47 users and 14 employees were infected with covid at home

So far, the presence of kovida 19 has been confirmed in 47 users and 14 employees in social protection institutions and homes for the accommodation of adults and the elderly, announced the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs. A total of 1,026 users of social protection institutions were cured and there are 412 cured employees in social protection institutions, which amounts to 412.


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