Serbia has entered the red zone


Belgrade – According to data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), our country has 30 people infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days.

Source: Blic

Tom Pennington, Getty Images

Tom Pennington, Getty Images

This means that Serbia is officially in the red crown zone.

According to valid parameters, all countries with less than 15 patients per 100,000 inhabitants are in the green zone, the yellow zone is 15 to 30 infected per 100,000, the red zone is 30 to 50, and everything above that belongs to the purple zone.

Considering that a further growth in the number of infected people is expected in the coming days, according to members of the Crisis Staff for the fight against kovid 19, it is not ruled out that Serbia will reach the purple zone at some point, writes the newspaper of Belgrade “Blic”.

There are more than 50 infected people for every 100,000 inhabitants in a country where the daily number of new infected people exceeds 350.

ECDC data on the number of infected per 100,000 inhabitants is most often used to determine the epidemiological situation of a country, that is, whether travel to it is recommended or whether citizens of a particular country can enter the countries of the European Union.
