The International Institute for Middle Eastern and Balkan Studies in Ljubljana estimates that Serbia has become the epicenter of regional action thanks to Vui.
Source: Tanjug

Photo: Shutterstok / Dmitrijs Kaminskis
According to IFIMES, Serbia is the key to peace and stability in the region.
In the analysis “Early elections in Kosovo 2021: an opportunity for a new beginning?”, The Institute referred to the situation in the region, stating that joint economic development and the establishment of “mini-gens” are priorities in the regional cooperation, and that individual small countries cannot attract global investors.
Therefore, it is said, in order to remove internal and administrative border barriers and customs duties, it would be more efficient for the Western Balkan countries to have a harmonized infrastructure policy and for communities to work on the economic reconstruction of the region. .
“Vui is changing the name of Serbia successfully, and Kosovo is in constant decline thanks to irresponsible political elites, who put their line interests and their enrichment at the forefront of public and responsible positions, and not the interests of Kosovo”, the analysis concludes.
As an example, Ifimes cites the opinion of analysts that Serbia further strengthened its position during the kovid-19 virus pandemic by successfully countering the pandemic in March 2020, and now through even more successful vaccination of the population.
On the other hand, the vaccination is a complete fiasco of the government of the Prime Minister of Provisional Institutions of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti, who will probably be listed as “the most incompetent Prime Minister of Kosovo”, and the number of victims due to the Kovid pandemic 19 exceeds all expectations.
Commenting on the upcoming elections in Kosovo and Metohija, Ifimes affirms that they are again in the sign of a showdown between the Serbian opposition and Albanian political parties with the Serbian List, led by Igor Simi and supported by Serbian President Vui.
In fact, through the List of Serbs, which is the favorite of the Serbian community in Kosovo, they are trying to negotiate with Serbian President Aleksandar Vui. As the end of the election campaign nears, tensions over the Serbian List, which includes the use of violence, increase. “in Ifimes.
As has been said, it is extremely important to end the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina by signing a legally binding agreement, abolishing borders in the region and removing barriers, and thus initiating intense mutual cooperation.
The analysis further establishes that all previous governments in Kosovo, upon taking power, have announced accelerated development with the promise that they will build strong institutions, which will be a factor of internal stability and peace and thus contribute to stability and peace in the region.
“The promises have not been kept, and the citizens of Kosovo are deeply disappointed in the ruling political structures, because they are the only ones in the region that do not have a visa-free regime. Nowhere in the world, according to past practice, has it been The structures of political crime have been built by strong state institutions, rather the opposite, “he writes in the analysis.
It is claimed that the crime in Kosovo has its roots in the government in exile, and that the core of the crime are the commanders of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army and the (para) intelligence service (ShIK) in cooperation with the political structures .
When looking at the recent past, one can notice strong links between current political leaders and huge sums of money, which were collected through various funds, writes Ifimes, adding that many activities were not transparent and related to the enormous enrichment of certain current and earlier. politicians, leaders and members of their families.
“Crime and corruption continued after the international intervention and the war in Kosovo in 1999. Nepotism is present in all segments of society and is carried out under the direct control and direction of the main political parties”, Ifimes said in the analysis.
At the same time, analysts said, they warned of a synchronized campaign and an increase in attacks by political and criminal structures in Kosovo and “attempts to discredit the Self-Determination Movement and its president, Albin Kurti.”
It concludes that “a victory for self-determination would stabilize the political situation if the Movement formed a new government on its own”, and that self-determination needs to show political sensitivity towards minorities, especially the Serbian community.
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