SERBIA GOVERNMENT EMERGENCY SESSION AT 1 PM! The only issue is the fight against the crown and the adoption of NEW MEASURES


The emergency session of the Government of Serbia will take place today at 1:00 p.m., as “Blic” has learned. After that, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić will address the public.

As we learn, the main topic is the new measures in the fight against the corona virus, and all the proposals that were adopted in the Crisis Staff session for the fight against kovid-19, which took place last Thursday, will be considered.

The Serbian Government should consider the possibility of shortening the working hours of cafes and nightclubs, the mandatory use of an outdoor mask, especially in pedestrian areas, and it is not excluded that a possible extension of the mini fall break, ending today.

The medical part of the Crisis Staff, mainly Dr. Predrag Kon, presented all their proposals to the public, mainly about shortening the working hours of cafes and clubs until 6:00 pm

During public appearances yesterday, our eminent epidemiologists tried to pressure them to make decisions as soon as possible.

“Two weeks of more rigorous measures are needed to level the curve with the number of newly infected and stabilize the situation,” Dr. Kon noted.

Cafes until 6:00 p.m., nightclubs close

The medical part of the Crisis Staff proposed to shorten the work of cafes and other catering services until 6 in the afternoon, that is, practically close the work of nightclubs.

This decision would be limited to two weeks, and after that time the situation would be re-analyzed, and the reason is that it was determined that a large number of people were infected in those places.

Shops in Belgrade can be open until 23:00Photo: Blic / RAS Serbia

Stores in Belgrade can be open until 23:00

Mandatory use of the mask outdoors

Masks are mandatory indoors, but now it is proposed that this obligation be extended to the exterior, at least to pedestrian areas where a large number of people circulate.

Despite the “crown law” passed a few days ago, the big issue remains how well this measure could be controlled.

Mini extended school break

Dr. Predrag Kon publicly proposed an extension of the mini fall school break that is underway, but found no support even among all his colleagues.

However, Dr. Srdja Jankovic confirmed yesterday that this option was not completely abandoned, and as there was a significant spread of the crown among school children, and the explosion of covids across the country, it is possible that this proposal will be reconsidered in order urgent. .

Otherwise, students will return to school tomorrow.

Lockdown or curfew

Despite the almost 4,000 infected in 24 hours, there is nothing of the “lock” or the curfew.

– President Vučić mentioned that once, but we never talked about it in the Crisis Staff – says Dr. Predrag Kon.

Dr. Srdja Jankovic also believes that “blocking options, but far away”.

– That is not part of the current process and decision-making – said Dr. Janković.
