Belgrade – The Finance Ministry denied allegations by Montenegrin media that Serbia is close to a deal with China to buy Montenegrin debt for the highway.
Source: B92

As the ministry told B92.net, this information “is definitely not scarce.”
It should be recalled that some Montenegrin media recently reported that Serbia is in final negotiations with Chinese officials to buy a loan from its Exim Bank for the construction of a section of the Bar-Boljare highway that runs through Montenegro.
As indicated at the time, in the event that Montenegro cannot repay the loan and Serbia and China reach such an agreement, one of the options would be for Montenegro to rent part of the road through its territory to Serbia, as Lanka leased. his port to China for 99 years because he could not pay the loan he took from them.
“In that case, Serbia would become the economic master of Montenegro, which is now almost certain, given that our economy is in a bad state,” Montenegrin media said at the time.