Serbia delivered a protest note to Albania


The Serbian protest note was delivered to the Ambassador of Albania on the occasion of the statements during the joint session of the governments of Albania and the so-called Kosovo.

Source: Tanjug

Illustration: Deposit Photos / Anton_Sokolov

Illustration: Deposit Photos / Anton_Sokolov

Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned the Ambassador of Albania in Serbia, Ilir Boka, to deliver a note in which the most forceful protest is made regarding the statements made during the joint session of the Albanian governments and the so-called Kosovo, on October 2 in Tirana, and especially those relating to the abolition of the border between Albania and Kosovo and Metohija.

“Such statements, which imply the unification of Albania and the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija and the creation of a Greater Albania, are a justified cause for concern, both for the Republic of Serbia and for other countries in the region committed to preserving the stability and intensify cooperation in the region, “said the Foreign Ministry.

The note also notes the daily efforts of senior Serbian officials to develop bilateral policies and all other relations with neighboring countries and to converge on positions on which there is no agreement, and, in that regard, expressed the expectation that the higher In the future, Albanian officials will refrain from making statements that undermine the bilateral relations between Serbia and Albania and may destabilize the region.

Regarding the complaints by some media about the delivery of a protest note from the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Serbian diplomatic representatives in Albania, the Serbian Foreign Ministry announced that the temporary charge d’affaires of the Embassy from Serbia in Tirana was invited to the Albanian Foreign Ministry on October 6 to deliver a protest note. declined to accept the note due to unacceptable views expressed in it.
