SERBIA CUSTOMS REQUESTED TO STOP BULGARIAN BUS AND when they entered, three passengers found 1,000 of these tablets in their luggage


BELGRADE – Customs officials, in cooperation with the police at the Horgos border crossing into Hungary, prevented the smuggling of nearly 1,000 tablets of various steroids and psychoactive drugs hidden in the luggage of three passengers, the Serbian Customs Administration announced.

As said, last night around 8 pm, during the regular departure check of the bus with Bulgarian license plates, which, in addition to three drivers from Bulgaria to Germany, was transporting 14 other passengers, 600 synthetic testosterone tablets were discovered.

A cardboard box with 600 tablets of the anabolic steroids “turinabol” and “stromba” was found among the suitcases and bags in the trunk of the bus.

It turned out that one of the three bus drivers, a 39-year-old Bulgarian citizen, intended to smuggle them into Germany, against whom a misdemeanor proceeding will be initiated.

photo: Serbian Customs

A few hours earlier, a bus with Bulgarian license plates, traveling from Sofia to London, was set aside for a detailed inspection on leaving the country.

On that occasion, 165 tablets of the antipsychotic “fluanxol” and 100 tablets of the antidepressant “deanxit” were found in a passenger’s bag, with which the Bulgarian citizen did not have adequate medical documentation.

In the luggage of another passenger on the same bus, who was unable to show any medical document by which she could carry drugs containing psychoactive substances across the border, 86 tablets of antidepressants “cipralex” and “clonarex” were found.

Considering that these are drugs containing psychoactive substances, they were permanently seized immediately after their discovery, while the police initiated criminal proceedings against the aforementioned passengers.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
