SERBIA CITY BECOMES THE CRITICAL CROWN OF THE NIGHT The virus entered the school and 30 health workers from a hospital were infected


Pozarevac first appeared on the list of critical city crowns in 24 hours, it seems as if this city’s hot spot is literally exploding overnight!

Currently, 45 patients with coronavirus symptoms are being treated at the Kovid Hospital in Požarevac in the Department of Infectious Diseases, and all the patients are from the Braničevo district.

About half of hospitalized patients receive oxygen and one person receives noninvasive ventilation.

– In 30 health workers, the PCR test confirmed the kovid infection 19, of which seven were admitted to the Department of Infectious Diseases. His health is stable. The clinical picture of hospitalized patients is generally moderate. The increase in the number of infected people in our city and throughout the district is still remarkable, they point out from the Požarevac hospital for Telegraf.

– We ask citizens to refrain from any type of behavior that could endanger themselves and others. We call for the strict observance of protective measures, because for now it is the only way to prevent a drastic deterioration of the epidemiological situation and save health and life – stated in the announcement of the director, Dr. Danko Nikolić.

According to the regular daily section of the crown for Serbia, Pozarevac, who had not been there until then, appeared this Wednesday on that black list of cities with the most infected, and the director of the Institute of Public Confirmation confirmed to ‘Blic’ that the epidemiological situation was unfavorable. health in this city Dra. Ana Jovanovic.

Dr. Ana JovanovićPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Dr. Ana Jovanović

– The situation is unfavorable and there is a trend towards higher growth – said Dr. Jovanović.

According to her, two cases of corona have been reported in high school children and they are receiving home treatment, and three educators have also fallen ill.

He mentioned that although the situation is bad, there are still enough hospital capacities for treatment, and the Pozarevac health system can serve this number of patients.

Likewise, it affirms that the establishment of a state of emergency in that municipality is not yet contemplated, and assures that there will be a greater monitoring of the situation.

Dr. Jovanović explains how the number of infected people in the Požarevac territory, which withstood the third wave of coronavirus for a long time, increased by not respecting the measures and relaxing the population.

– In some institutions and companies, the measures were not consistently respected. In addition, people relaxed and the prescribed measures were not taken into account. We have issued recommendations for sporting and cultural events as well as for all public gatherings, but we cannot follow private gatherings as well, explains Dr. Jovanović.

The director of the Institute of Public Health in Pozarevac calls on all citizens to adhere to the prescribed protective measures to prevent further spread of the corona virus.

The virus entered the school

As we have already written, the first to fourth grade students of the primary school “Kralj Aleksandar I” in Pozarevac were sent home to follow the online classes, as the principal, various teachers and professors are infected with the corona virus.

As “Blic” was told at that school in Požarevac, a teacher who was in contact with several other employees of this school became infected and they will all be quarantined.

Also, a person who has been employed by the school administration has been infected with the same virus for several days.

Many teachers wait for test results

Among those infected are the school principal and two teachers. That was why the first through fourth grade students returned to online classes, which will last at least two weeks.

– Many teachers are waiting for the test results, so we never wanted to put them in danger – they told us from this school.

Let us remind you that a new black record was broken in Serbia yesterday: in the last 24 hours, 9,450 people were tested for the corona virus, 1,384 tested positive, and six people died. Belgrade still has the highest number of recently infected people: 728, or 52.6 percent of the current total.

Yesterday we exceeded 1,000 hospitalized.
