Serbia black numbers: no more people with respirators


In the last 24 hours, another 5,774 people were infected in Serbia, while another 28 people died.

Source: B92



16,938 people were tested.

There are 209 patients on ventilators, which is the most since the beginning of the epidemic.

6,071 patients were hospitalized.

From 28 today, the number of victims in Serbia has risen to 1,168 and the death rate is 1.01 percent.

The total number of registered cases of coronavirus in Serbia is 116,125.

To date, Serbia has evaluated a total of 1,610,219 people.

You can read the epidemiological situation in the cities of Serbia HERE, while you can follow all the events related to the coronavirus in Serbia minute by minute HERE.

It should be recalled that the Government of Serbia today adopted seven new measures, in accordance with the recommendations of the crisis personnel. The new measures will take effect on Tuesday.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said that the basic problem of the health system is the lack of hospital places, especially in Belgrade.

“We agreed to free up several places in Belgrade for heavier patients. Lighter patients will go to Niška Banja, and today to temporary hospitals in Niš and Kragujevac. It will start in the next half hour, an hour, so that we can wait for the night more calmly . “he said.
