Serbia at the top of Europe in number of new patients! NO REASON TO RELAX


THE EPIDEMIOLOGIST IVANUŠA WARNING: Serbia at the top of Europe in number of new patients!  NO REASON TO RELAX

Photo: Tanjug Dragan Kujundzic

Ivanuša claims that Serbia may now be on top of the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic. He said the growth in the number of new patients on a daily basis has slowed, that this could be the peak of the third wave and that it will be seen by the end of the week.

“Regardless of whether we are at the top of the third wave, the situation is still very serious. We see between six and eight thousand new patients every day and those are large numbers. We know that it follows a large number of hospitalizations and a large number of deaths. “Ivanusa said.

As he himself says, the situation can quickly get worse and it is important to respect the measures that are in place.

“You have to be careful, the situation is difficult and I see no reason to relax,” he said, adding that the epidemiological risk is the next vacation.

When asked if the measures should be further toughened, he said we should wait a few days to see what effects the existing measures have had.

“Certainly, Serbia now ranks second in Europe in terms of the number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, just behind Georgia. There are several countries with a difficult situation, but Serbia, together with Georgia, is at the top of Europe.” Ivanusa said.

Photo by Tanjug Dragan Kujundzic

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