Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina together in the EU



Good with Neighbors: Milorad Dodik, Aleksandar Vucic and Dragan Covic

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, met in Belgrade with the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, and the President of HDZ of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Vice President of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly in Sarajevo, Dragan Čović.

Their conversation on the subject of the economy, regional cooperation, European integration and the prospects for Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accession to the EU sparked a wave of silent anger from the president of the ASD, Bakir Izetbegovic, who claims that this it is an unacceptable practice to ignore the Bosnians.

As “Vesti” wrote, Izetbegović has been in an open dispute with the Croats since Zeljko Komšić was imposed as their representative in the Presidency, who was elected to that position by the votes of the Bosnians. Subsequently, Izetbegović threatened a new re-election in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of electing other representatives of the Croatian people in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the same principle, through a new vote.

The answer was logical, but it was not foreseen in Sarajevo. Namely, Milorad Dodik was invited to visit Zagreb, where he met with President Zoran Milanović and Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, causing disbelief not only in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in Croatia itself. Although Milorad Dodik noted that economic issues were discussed in Zagreb, as well as now in Belgrade, it was clear that relations between Croatian and Serb political representatives were heating up, over which the SDA also seeks to achieve hegemony by constantly denying the constitutional position. of the Republic. Serbian.

Bakir uninvited

Now Bakir Izetbegović has also shown that he is finally clear that he caused an avalanche that until recently seemed unattainable.

In the announcements for the meeting in Belgrade, it was mentioned that HDZ chairmen Dragan Covic and SNSD Milorad Dodik should have spoken to the Serbian president about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina at a working dinner. Izetbegović said that no one invited him as president of the SDA and that he would have responded if he had received an invitation.

– We see Serbo-Croatian association. Only Dodik and Covic are with Vucic, he did not invite all three. This is not how Belgrade and Zagreb should work. These are not good messages for the Bosnians and the patriots of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is an unacceptable practice that began with Dodik’s meetings with the President and Prime Minister of Croatia in Zagreb. It should be known that the Bosnian-Herzegovian tripod cannot stand on two legs – said Izetbegović.

The crisis is destroying the FBiH

He called on HDZ BiH to show its willingness to compromise in order to resolve the current political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially in the Federation, which did not get a new government even two years after the elections. HDZ BiH conditions the formation of a new government by modifying the electoral law to ensure that a member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Croatian people is elected by the votes of the Croats, and that the same type of political representation is guaranteed in the election of deputies to the entity and to the state parliaments. The SDA does not agree with such conditions and demands that changes to the electoral law be implemented ensuring a balance of “civic representation”, but also ethnic, which in reality consolidates the right to vote.

Only after Dayton

Despite the provocations of Bakir Izetbegović and increasingly Željko Komšić and the Bosnian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Šefik Džaferović, Serbia’s position is clear. President Aleksandar Vučić explained several times that Serbia supports the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but that no one can deprive it of the right to support RS. Thus, in July, Vučić pointed out that Serbia is the mother and guarantor of the Dayton Agreement, and that this signature guarantees the survival of RS. He also said that Serbia would accept any decision on the Dayton Agreement that the three peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina agree to.

We are building developed countries

The Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic of Serbia announced that the meeting was held as part of the continuation of the regional talks and that the topics were European integration and the prospect of belonging to Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to the EU.

Interlocutors also discussed the European Commission’s Enlargement Package, as well as the EU’s Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans. Bilateral relations, economic cooperation and remediation of the consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic were also discussed.

On the occasion of the 2020 enlargement package, Aleksandar Vučić, Milorad Dodik and Dragan Čović emphasized the importance of the EU accession process, as well as further transformations aimed at building developed and stable countries. They also discussed improving regional cooperation and strengthening good neighborly relations.

– The European path and the cooperation of Serbia in the region represent the priorities of Serbian foreign policy – President Vučić noted and emphasized that the plan for the economic recovery of the Western Balkans and the development of relations in the region will contribute to strengthening the economy.

We are closer to dual citizenship

Dragan Kalinic, adviser to the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, said it was not surprising that Milorad Dodik’s latest statement on dual citizenship for the citizens of Srpska and Serbia was approved, but also disputed by political circles in Sarajevo. .

Kalinic explained that the increase in the number of citizens with dual citizenship in Bosnia and Herzegovina in no way endangers the constitutional rights of the other two constituent peoples, nor is it a behind-the-scenes game that endangers Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina.

– Why would Bosnians have reasons for frustration or fear because of this, if they do not have them in the case of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina who widely consume this right? On the contrary, we should accept the reality that in the future more and more citizens of Srpska will seek Serbian citizenship, which in political and psychological terms can only further relax, and even improve the overall relations between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, he said. Kalinic.

He also said that on the basis of the Agreement on Special Parallel Ties, the integration of the cultural heritage of Serbia and Srpska is in progress through joint textbooks, language, Cyrillic alphabet, fostering tradition …

– All this, if you are lucky, should not create new conspiracy theories against Bosnia and Herzegovina in the minds of the individuals of the political elites of the other two nations – Kalinic pointed out.

And parliamentarians from the diaspora

Kalinic estimated that a respectable number of citizens with dual citizenship would initiate talks with Serbia to establish a parliamentary quota of delegates from the Serbian diaspora, and especially from the Republika Srpska, in the Serbian parliament, as in Croatia. He also advocated for a simpler and cheaper procedure to obtain Serbian citizenship in this case.

Brothers help each other

The cities of Banja Luka, Belgrade and Novi Sad have unbreakable ties and excellent cooperation in all areas, and by creating a unique cultural space they do not endanger Dayton BiH, but only help each other, said the mayors of Banja Luka Igor Radojicic, Novi Sad Milos Vucevic and the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade Goran Vesic. .

Radojicic recalled that Banja Luka and Novi Sad are already twin cities and that the signing of the Twinning Charter with Belgrade is imminent. He pointed out that Serbia is RS’s largest economic partner and political supporter, and that citizens cooperate a lot, that they study in both cities and that there are family and friendly ties.

– As a Serbian and regional metropolis, Belgrade offered Banja Luka 10 times smaller to be twins, partners, friends and associates. I suggested that the Krajina and Herzegovinian houses be opened in Belgrade and Novi Sad, and that they offer authentic Krajina and Herzegovinian brands and products – said Radojicic.
