SERBIA AMAZING HUMANITY: Brother and sister are selling a house for their compatriot Anika! (PHOTO)


The starting price of the auction is 4000 euros. The house has a ground floor and a first floor, it is about 90 square meters in size. It is registered in the cadastre and they are the owners.

Anyone who wants to own a house in such a place can look at it and buy it with proof of payment that they paid for Anika. For more information, the brother and sister left the phone number 0643374056.

Anika was born as a strong and healthy baby with strong reflexes and a grade of ten. It couldn’t have been better. On examination, in the fifth week after birth, the doctor examined the reflexes and the parents noticed that Anika did not react as strongly as before. After many days in the hospital and several diagnostic tests (brain ultrasound, MRI, metabolic and genetic tests), Anika received a diagnosis that her parents had never heard of before. A rare, progressive, terminal neuromuscular disease with which 1 in 10,000 babies is born; it’s called spinal muscular atrophy, or SMA for short, type 1. Most of these babies don’t experience their first birthday. Second birthday, almost none.

SMA is a rare disease in which the body lacks a gene that makes a protein that motor neurons use for food. Since they have nothing to eat, these neurons, which transmit impulses to the muscles, die. And the muscles, since they receive no signal to move, rest and atrophy. It starts with large muscle groups like the arms, legs, neck, but after a while the muscles for swallowing, coughing and breathing also atrophy.

Photo: Private archive

Anika was lucky, if it can be said of anyone with this disease, to have been born at a time when there is something that can be done. Since her second month, Anika has received Spinraza, a therapy that can slow the progression of the disease. Unfortunately, as time goes on, Anika’s breathing and swallowing weaken and more and more devices and help are needed to keep Anika alive.

But there is hope! Zolgensma’s gene therapy gives hope that Anika can breathe with full lungs, regain the strength to eat and speak.

Photo: Facebook

The data collected so far on Zolgensma clearly indicates the effectiveness of gene therapy throughout the body, including the muscles for swallowing and breathing, which are becoming weaker in Anika. Zolgensma is received once, so Anika will receive an injection of a “new gene” that will make the protein she is missing for life.

Despite her weak body, Anika’s serenity and inner strength surprise everyone who knows her. He uses all his strength to bring joy to our lives, to move us to the rhythm of music and laughter.

The money raised will be used to purchase Zolgensma’s gene therapy and treatment costs, as well as travel and accommodation costs.

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