SERBIA A STEP TOWARDS BAN? Tomorrow is the Crisis Staff session, and there are FIVE PROPOSALS on the table


The number of new infected with coronavirus in Serbia continues to grow: this number has exceeded 6,000 in the previous 24 hours, and 29 people have died as a result of the covid.

The crisis staff will meet tomorrow at 9 am at the Palace of Serbia.

The session follows a dramatic situation with the corona virus and more than 6,000 infected in one day. Proposals for new measures should be on the agenda.

The crisis headquarters will decide on the new measures only 72 hours after the entry into force of the previous measures restricting the work of catering and shops.

A member of the Crisis Staff for the fight against coronavirus, the infectologist Mijomir Pelemis, stated that we should not wait 14 days to analyze the effect of the measures recently adopted.

– Long before December 1, today or tomorrow, we must analyze, not the effects of the measures, but the epidemiological situation, and if we do not see an improvement, we must immediately tighten the measures – Pelemis told the media.

Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced to Pink on Monday that the Serbian government will not hesitate to introduce more stringent measures and that, following the reduction in working hours, the next measure is a driving ban.

Photo: Tanjug / Andrija Vukelic

Movement Prohibition

After the Serbian government session on Sunday, Prime Minister Brnabić said the next possible measure was a movement ban.

– The next measure is a driving ban, but we are not in favor. We will present it only if it is more necessary – said Brnabić on that occasion.

Switch to online teaching

As a possible new measure, mention is made of the transition from schools to online classes and the eventual closure of kindergartens in some cities or across the country. Two days ago, the Municipality of Vrbas made the decision to transfer all the schools in its territory to classes at home.


Mandatory confirmation for kindergartens?

A proposal to limit the number of children in kindergartens can also be found on the table. Some cities have already prescribed the obligation that parents must bring a certificate that they are required to be at their workplace. Otherwise children will not be admitted to kindergartens.

Additional reduction in working hours

Branislav Tiodorovic, a member of the crisis staff, said that the situation was being monitored on a daily basis and that there was a possibility of introducing new measures.

– If the number of patients continues to grow, we will have to think of some more measures – said Tiodorović, emphasizing that a further reduction in working hours could follow.

A certain number of people in transport.

Tiodorovic emphasized that public transportation is a big problem.

– The number of people who can travel by public transport must be strictly respected. The distance between the passengers should be maintained and it should be possible to sit only in the marked seats. All big cities have this problem, explains Tiodorović.
