Sentencing former Serbian Roads Director for five years


This decision confirmed part of the first instance verdict that in May 2019 sentenced Jocic, as well as two other businessmen of the company “Rotijer”, Dragan Pavlovic and Milan Josipovic, to prison terms of five and three years in prison, respectively. , for the crime of abuse of power. faces.

The part of the verdict for which Predrag Todosic was sentenced to two years in prison, was overturned by the Court of Appeals, because it considers that the verdict exceeded the accusation in that part, for which he ordered that his trial be repeated, it was published in the website of the Court of Appeals.

The upheld verdict against Jocic also imposed a measure that prohibits him from carrying out vocations, activities and duties related to the disposition, use, management or administration of someone else’s property or keeping that property for a period of three years.

The measure will be applied after the verdict is final, on the condition that prison time is not included in the duration of this measure.

Jocic’s nearly 14 months in detention are included in his prison sentence, as are the other convicts in this case.

Furthermore, against Jocic’s mother, Radmila Jocic, the accusation was previously rejected for being permanently insane, but the court confiscated her 63-square-meter apartment at Pasiceva Street No. 5/4, in Loznica.

The Ministry of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure was referred to litigation to comply with the legal request for ownership, in relation to this case.

Jocic was found guilty on various charges.

Confirmation of the allegations of the first instance verdict

The reasoning of the verdict of the Court of Appeals establishes, among other things, that the court of first instance correctly concluded that there was a cause and effect relationship between the official action taken by Jocic and the gift received by his mother, which was paid with the account of the company “Rotijer”. that Jocic knew that by signing the contract, he was creating the illusion that the public company of which he was CEO would supposedly manage the projects.

Regarding the crime related to Loznica and Krupanj, the Court of Appeals affirms that the court of first instance rightly concluded that Jocic was guilty, taking into account that “it is vital and logical that it is the same director general of PE ‘Roads of Serbia’ and a person with acquired higher education, had clear knowledge that the contracts he signs contain deficiencies that prevent any technical execution of the projects mentioned in them, that is, he knew who was authorized to prepare the technical documentation “.

According to the Court of Appeals, Jocic, Pavlovic and Josipovic carried out actions that did not comply with the laws and statutes in force at that time.

According to the decision, they had a very informal and arbitrary approach, which was manifested in the initialization of contracts that were not registered, carrying out works that did not represent the remediation of landslides, not keeping a construction record in the construction sites where the works were carried out. plays.

Likewise, the construction log was not certified by the prescribed seal of the responsible contractor, because the responsible contractor was not designated, in accordance with the Planning and Construction Law, so no daily complaints were made about who was involved. authorized to enter the construction journal.

In relation to Pavlović, the court legally rejected the charge that he committed the crime of bribery.

Earlier, at the request of the prosecution, the court decided to temporarily confiscate seven properties in Serbia and Montenegro of Jocic and his relatives, as well as 12 watches, because there is a suspicion that they were acquired illegally.

After the final verdict, a procedure should be initiated for the permanent confiscation of such assets.

Jocic and 15 other defendants have another case before the Special Court on the second accusation for abuses in the company “Roads of Serbia”.
