As is unofficially known, around 3pm, Draško was supposed to be visited by an unknown man in the room that he was arranging to start furniture production, after which he sent his two workers to rest. When they returned, they found the lifeless body of the boss, and next to it a mace and an ax, so they immediately called the police.
According to the first clues, everything indicates that the murder took place in this room, but also that the crime was preceded by a fight, because everything was ruined. By order of the competent Prosecutor’s Office, an autopsy was carried out yesterday, which should shed light on the details of this murder.
The head of the department of biological traces of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Nis, Ivan Stojanović, carried out a partial reconstruction of the event based on the traces of blood stains found in the room and concluded that Draško was killed with a tool found next to her body.
One of the two workers briefly told our newspaper that they both worked occasionally for the murdered Draško, that they had known each other for a long time in the neighborhood, but that out of respect for the family they did not want to elaborate. The family of the murdered was not in the mood to talk to journalists either.

Photo: Private archive
THE NEIGHBORS say they know Draška R. as a nice and kind man. They say that he was often absent, that he went abroad, and that he recently changed his last name, most likely to be able to cross the border more easily, because he may not have been allowed to do so in the past. He used his last name on social media, while his identity card, as well as the information of the company he owns, says otherwise. He left two minor children and a wife.
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