“SEND HELP TO ANYONE!” In Croatia today more than 800 infected, the cry of the Croatian epidemiologist: WE ARE SPENT AND EXHAUSTED


During the last 24 hours, 819 new cases of coronavirus were registered in Croatia, out of 4,948 people examined. Eight people died. Although this is a decrease compared to October 16 (1,193 infected) and October 17 (1,096 infected), the number of infected remains high.

Even today, with 236 new cases, Zagreb leads the number of infected people in Croatia. The maternity ward at the “Sestre milosrdnice” Clinical Hospital Center is temporarily closed due to the corona virus, because two pregnant women are infected and five other mothers have a positive test for the virus. For now, they have no symptoms, Croatian media reported.

The cry of an epidemiologist

Doctors and medical personnel who have been in contact with them test negative, but they will all be tested again.

How dramatic is the situation among doctors, says Miroslav Venus, president of the Croatian Epidemiological Society, who told “Večernji list” that epidemiologists “claim that there are very few and nothing”, as well as that they “accept any help”.

– The number of epidemiologists has remained the same, even occasionally lower because some colleagues went on sick leave. Look, there may be 103 or 123 of us, but “spent” is more than half, if not all. Now it is no longer just about numbers, but also about quality. Epidemiologists are exhausted, “spent”, I see that in myself – said the epidemiologist

He also noted that the measures are not respected.

– If someone alerts, works and tests continuously for six or seven months, and nobody listens and does not adhere to the measure, what else can I say? I’d better shut up, Venus emphasized.

He and a colleague were waiting for the results of the sample analysis yesterday at the Virovitica-Podravina County Public Health Institute, where they work.

– We cry because we are very few and nothing. We had 25 positives on Friday. Those 25 for every 80,000 inhabitants are like having 250 to 300 positive people in Zagreb. And it’s just the two of us. A colleague was alone in Lika, he recently received the help of a military epidemiologist. In Požega-Slavonia county, a colleague is also alone and is now being helped by a colleague who is a public health specialist. We have been warning for six months that we are very few and the situation is getting worse, says the epidemiologist Venus.

Yesterday, there were 1,096 new positives in Croatia, 530 were in the hospital, 28 were on a respirator and ten people died. There are 20,389 people in self-isolation. Epidemiologists are crying out for help in finding the contacts of the infected.

– We accept and support any idea that can help the fieldmates, and not just to theorize – he points out.

Health Minister Willy Beros said the other day that 160 epidemiologists work in the health system, 151 in public health institutes and nine in other institutions.

Photo: Profimedia

– As a Ministry, we have given instructions about the need to hire not epidemiologists, because there are none, but other workers who can help the epidemiological service – said Beroš and mentioned internal relocation to help epidemiologists.

The question is, really, why doesn’t the state hire more workers from other state institutions as aid. Because epidemiologists are, Venus warns, on the edge of the abyss.

– Look, for example, in Međimurje county, which has 44 positive people in one day. Colleagues should contact all those positive aspects and how do you get all their contacts? How do you think that the same number of epidemiologists can successfully use ten times the number of positives, which are generated by God knows how many times more contacts? Six months ago we had a hundred infected, and today 1100 – says Venus.

It is not surprising that more and more positive things are hiding contacts.

Focus on the respiratory centers

– Children do not want to be in jail, they want to go out on weekends and then go to school during the week and transmit the infection. Older people do not report because nobody wants to be isolated for two weeks because they will receive a lower salary. It is not epidemiologists who should solve these problems, but we are the only ones fighting it. We may not have been able to reveal a third of the contacts because people hid them. That is why we asked that self-isolation be shortened from 14 to 10 days, in order to achieve better cooperation – says Venus.

Epidemiologists, he adds, call as many contacts as they can.

– Now the focus is on people who work in respiratory centers. Hospitals are getting more and more crowded, we had 10 deaths on Saturday. Epidemiologists worked hard, we worked, and we did our best while we could. Now we can no longer keep things under control without the help of others. Who can help us first? I don’t know, whoever they give us – Venus concluded.

VIDEO: How the crown enters human cells
