Self-employed protest in the Assembly: Meeting with Brnabić and Mali on taxes scheduled


They want to pay taxes, but not retroactively and not in amounts greater than half of their five-year income. That is why they seek to negotiate with the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Administration to finally resolve the situation of Internet workers – self-employed. In the meantime, they call for an end to, as they have said, the “prosecution”. These are the two basic demands of Internet workers sent from a large protest in front of the National Assembly in Belgrade.

A protest march has also been announced, which should advance along the route of the Assembly – Kneza Miloša – Government of Serbia – Nemanjina Street – Slavija – Belgrade Street – King Alexander Boulevard – Assembly.

The president of the Internet Workers Association, Pogačar, stated that the head of the cabinet, Ana Brnabić, called him during the protest, reports.

“It just came to our notice then.” Minister Siniša Mali and Ana Brnabić, head of the Dragana Marković Tax Administration, will appear in government on Monday to sit at the negotiating table behind us, “Pogačar said.

When asked by if they had a formulated proposal with which to enter into negotiations, Pogačar said before the protest began:

“The obligations of workers on the Internet should begin to run from the moment the new law is implemented, which would precisely define the obligations and rights of the self-employed.”

Mia Amon, from the Association for the Protection of the Rights of Businessmen and Entrepreneurs, said that the tax system must be fair and progressive.

“Business conditions should be normal. Officials in this state are obligated to provide that. Rights and obligations also apply to the state, and not just for us to have an obligation without having rights. We will not pay for other people’s mistakes. This country owes us a fair system in which the economy can develop normally. Stop repression, stop forced collection. Stop paying for other people’s mistakes. “Stop the unfair tax system,” he said.

Frilian protest

Tatjana Ćopić, a freelancer, said that she works for a foreign company, which has a representative office in Serbia.

“I am a single mother of a minor child. I started working right after giving birth. Without rights. I worked on holidays, on weekends with a child in my arms. Now the tax administration calls me and asks me to pay They call me, not so firm. I don’t want to pay anything, because I owe nothing. I couldn’t enroll my child in kindergarten because I’m unemployed. So how can I pay taxes and contributions? I don’t feel indebted to this country, that’s all I can say, “Ćopić said.

The protesters shouted “thieves, thieves”

Vladimir Ilić, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, who has to pay six million dinars to the Tax Agency on the rent of eight million, made over four years, addressed the gathering, getting up from the wheelchair.

“I came for you.” I got up for you now, “Ilic called out to the gathering. He said that he would not bow to anyone.

Miran Pogačar stated that he will not stop in the fight, he will not give up.

Frilense protest

“This is the first protest and there will be more, if necessary,” he said.

The protesters carry banners that say: “They lack the budget, that 80% give to Mali”, “Little listen to dad, don’t touch my salary”, “I don’t want a code in the madhouse, I want a code in APR”, “The self-employed are not criminals”, “Our self-employed will roam abroad”, “I sell a kidney to pay taxes”, “The economic tiger does not eat its children”.
