
Photo: Private Archives, Vlada Sporčić
Jay Ramadanavski died Sunday at the age of 56 in an apartment in Dorcol as a result of a heart attack.
The singer will be buried in the Alley of deserving citizens and the newspapers are full of obituaries. Jay says goodbye to his Dorćolci, who say he was a symbol of Dorćol and the last bohemian of Dorćol.
His colleagues also say goodbye.

Among those who were fired is the obituary of Darko Šarić and Nikola Peković, Grand Production …

It should be remembered that Jay fell ill in his apartment in Dorcol, where he was in strict isolation due to the corona virus, so the ambulance team soon arrived on the scene and began resuscitation, however, despite all the efforts of the doctor. , passed away.

By the way, Jay had heart valve surgery in Vienna three years ago, and then doctors told him that he had to strictly watch his diet and healthy life.


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