See what kind of crown mask Severina is wearing! (PHOTO / VIDEO)



23.11.2020. 22:00


Photo: Instagram / screen print

Singer Severina Kojic He appeared at the film’s premiere with a protective mask on his face, which read “Walter will return.”

Severina wore a luxurious dress, an elegant beige coat with fur, and said: “Valter will return”, which are the verses of the song “Valter” by the Bosnian-Herzegovian band Dubioza Kolektiv, which somewhat follows the plot of the film “Kumek” which premieres appeared a singer.

In 2010, the Dubioza collective sang “Walter will return”, which, as they said in the band, is a satirical vision of the Balkan desire for the arrival of a man who solves everyone’s problems.

They sang about Walter, made movies, told myths … he was the most famous partisan informant who died in the fight against fascism.

Who was Walter and what is the myth about him?

Robe Živojinović

Photo: YouTube Screenshot

Vladimir Perić Valter was born in Prijepolje on December 28, 1919 and died on April 6, 1945 at the age of 25, as a hero, on the day of the liberation of Sarajevo. He was touring the power plant that was supposed to be protected from the retreating enemy, and there he was hit by a mortar shell. Her bust is still in that place on Valterova Street in Sarajevo.

Walter has not called his family since he left for Sarajevo in 1940. Before the end of the war, he sent them a letter saying that they would finally see each other soon.

His bravery was legendary, so after the war many things were written: that he lived in a house near the senior Ustash officials in Sarajevo, that he always carried some money, as a bribe if he was arrested, that he sewed a uniform in which wanted He walked through Sarajevo released, he did not part with the gun “Walter”.

The professor at the Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy, Husnija Kamberović, said that Perić was an exceptional informant and leader of the resistance movement in Sarajevo.

– At the end of the war, these so-called strike groups, as they were called, had the task of facilitating the entry of partisans into the city from abroad, and on the other of preventing the destruction of shops and looting of cultural facilities in Sarajevo by the Germans and the Ustasha the army that withdrew from the city at the end of the war – Kamberović said earlier.

Robe Živojinović

Photo: Youtube screenshot

After the war, Walter’s comrades in arms said that he was elusive for the Gestapo and the Ustashas in Sarajevo. The historian and director of the Prijepolje Museum, Slavoljub Pushica, said it was not only because Peric was extraordinarily capable, but also because his minions protected him.

– Walter’s neighbors, those rich Muslims who were from famous bey families, who moved to Sarajevo, took care of Walter. When the cousins ​​say they were those people, friends, Muslim neighbors from Sarajevo, they were the support. Walter could only feel safe with them and with the Serbs who were from Prijepolje in Sarajevo, Pushica said at the time.

Movie “Walter Defends Sarajevo”

What is known about Walter among the general public is mainly due to Hajrudin Krvavec’s 1972 film “Walter Defends Sarajevo.” Legendary actor Bata Živojinović played Valter, but unlike the most famous informant, he survived the war.

– The character of Walter as Krvavac did in the film survived. It is something that was built in the seventies and eighties. Such a Walter was acceptable. Today, probably few people read anything about him. What they know, they know from the movie – said Husnija.

Audiences welcomed the film with open arms, and Vladimir Perić’s sister Walter later said that after seeing the director, she said, “So where is the ending?” Because his brother died on the day of the liberation of Sarajevo, and Krvavac said: “The end is exactly as it should be.”

– Walter is the brightest representative, the greatest hero of the illegal movement in our occupied cities … – said Josip Broz Tito after the screening of the film “Walter Defends Sarajevo”.


Photo: Printscreen / Youtube

Musician Nele Karajlić said they knew about Valter at his family’s home and that, as he put it, he supposedly came to their doorstep.

– Presumably he came to my door, to my grandmother and my grandfather, since they were in the neighborhood. But my house was in that revolutionary environment, and all mine knew about Walter and it was known that it was a miracle of God that this guy could do everything – Nele said on one occasion.

– The children never told us those jokes, who was there and what. Just as Shiba Krvavac did not make a film showing Ustashas, ​​Chetniks and others, but only what the viewer can immediately understand. These are ours, they are theirs.

By the way, Severina attracted a lot of attention at the premiere of the film “Kumek”, by Dario Jurican, with a mask with the inscription “Walter will return”.

HERE You can see how is Severina’s sister who hates Serbs.
