SEE THE FUTURE WITH BLACK CURRENTS: Successful entrepreneurial move of an agriculture student from Valjevo Miloš Simeunović (24)


Because, even when he started his academic training, on the advice of a teacher, he planted a plantation of black currants, which during his schooling reached almost full performance and is already making money.

So it has already paid off that, with the help of your parents, you formed a 25-acre plantation in the village of Babina Luka, from which they collected around 600 kilograms of this extremely medicinal berry this year. In addition, the Simeunović produced about 400 liters of quality syrup, which they sell mainly through social media.

– We are satisfied with the current yield because there are three to five kilograms of currants per bush – explains Miloš Simeunović. – It is a mountain plant, which gives better yields at higher altitudes, and then grows up to two meters in height. Bearing in mind that Babina Luka is in the lower areas, the currants are less abundant and have to be harvested by hand, without a harvester, so we have not yet managed to “take off” this year’s entire harvest.

This graduate in the field of fruit growing and viticulture also explains that he opted for black currant because it is not too demanding for cultivation and does not require many chemical treatments or hoes, but one fertilization per year is enough for it. Full maintenance for 12 months, he says, lasts no more than about twenty days.

– After graduation, I plan to apply the acquired knowledge at home, because it is difficult to find a job in the profession in Belgrade, especially in my field – says Miloš. – The Valjevo region is known for growing fruit, and we have four hectares of arable land and so far we have mainly engaged in agriculture to maintain the fields. The experiences so far in the second branch are very positive, the sale of syrups meets our current ambitions, but for next year, when there will be more varieties, we plan to produce even larger quantities and offer them to a wider market.


– The ARONIA and the blueberries are already known, and the currants are somewhat neglected, so I hope that this production comes to life and is even more profitable. Because a kilo of fresh fruit from my plantation never costs less than one euro, and the price of syrup ranges from 400 to 600 dinars a liter, calculates the young Simenunović.

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