SEE HOW THE KOVID HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION ADVANCED: The president posted a video and announced a guest appearance on RTS, and this is what he will talk about (VIDEO)


The hospital was built in just four months and covers an area of ​​18,000 square meters.

Its construction and completion of the works were the reason for the announcement of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, who highlighted the importance and work of the people who built it.

– Proud of our workers and our state, which built a magnificent hospital in Batajnica in just four months. The sole objective of each one of us was and remains to save the lives of people in the most difficult conditions of infection by the corona virus. I am sorry and sometimes I cannot believe that there are people and the media who do not rejoice in the success of their country, who do not rejoice in anything that Serbia is doing in the fight against the corona virus, but they see their main collaborator and ally in a vicious virus – he wrote. on Instagram, President Vučić. – I will answer all the falsehoods about the price of a square meter of our hospitals with the facts in tomorrow’s program on RTS | 1 at 9:15 pm


– Unfortunately, some politicians always see themselves in others and that is why they reach the wrong conclusions. We have done this great job for Serbia honestly, responsibly and efficiently.

Serbia will win the crown. Long live Serbia!

By the way, there will be room for 930 patients in the Batajnica hospital, 250 in intensive care and 680 in semi-intensive care.

As long as the corona virus epidemic lasts, this facility will be a covid hospital, and when the pandemic ends, it is planned to be a multifunctional medical center within which the maternity ward will open.

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