See how Momo Kapor’s daughter responded to Dežulović’s insults


– A journalist asked me today if I wanted to respond to the attack on my father. In a text he read the other day, he says, he is accused of being personally guilty of the fall of Belgrade. Is it possible that he is the reason? Isn’t there someone a little more alive that they can accuse? Almost eleven years after his death, it is still a topic. I’d be happy to know. He loved advertising.

He points out that it is necessary to side with the weakest and those who cannot defend themselves because they are no longer there, but that is not the case here.

– He provided his defense for life – with books. He dedicated some of the most beautiful verses to the city in which he was not born, but which he essentially understood, loved and felt as his own, those books were left behind. They stood the test of time, which is the only thing a writer cares about. They are still read, in new, well-equipped editions. I want Dežulović to experience something similar in his books, one day when he leaves. I hope as soon as possible, because he is my partner. And I, being very young, came to a city that welcomed me and in which I have lived for almost 40 years. Rome is not what it was in the early eighties, when I came. But the spirit of Rome will survive, as will the spirit of Belgrade, no matter what. There is no place for worry and offensive tones – wrote Ana Kapor, and ended with the following words:

– For all that, I declined the interview. I don’t think I should ever defend myself. And Belgrade, is exactly how you experience it. Not to Belgrade. It’s up to you.

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