? See how local sheriffs in Apatin harass taxi drivers because they drive migrants (VIDEO)


A few arrogant Apatin men are harassing taxi drivers just because they were driving migrants in cars! A video is circulating on social media showing cars blocking taxi drivers, insulting them in disgust, threatening to crash their cars, and then ordering them to leave town because they were transporting migrants!

After a barrage of insults and threats at the expense of taxi drivers and passengers, these local sheriffs forced the taxi drivers out of town.

The main actor of the drama filmed the scene of the film chase by local sheriffs for two taxi drivers, then their interception by blocking their way with their vehicles, and then insults and threats, and that video is circulating on social networks.

As you can see in Apatin, there is a group of men who assumed the role of authorized people and gave themselves the right to determine who can stay in this city, they are transported and in what way, and they gave the right to someone from the city ” expelled. “

In the recording you can first hear how the person who is filming from the passenger seat instructs the driver to catch the taxi drivers, and then blocks their way so that they cannot continue. He gets out of the vehicle, approaches one and then the other taxi drivers.

– Where did you go with that shit, huh? Turn right now, hear what I’m screaming. Taliban, your mother sucks. Turn those cars around … Go back to Sombor until you start hitting the car – says the local sheriff, yelling and threatening the surprised taxi drivers.

When the taxi driver, otherwise a fellow citizen, as we could find out in the video, tells him: “Don’t yell at me sir …”, and tries to explain that he is only doing his job, he replies that he should be ashamed because “he brings enemies” .

– I speak to you kindly, you are bringing my enemies to my Apatin. Are you embarrassed to drive this shit? You see what world this is, you were ashamed, won, it’s your mother. Bring the enemies … – says the local sheriff angrily to the taxi drivers who are sitting in their vehicles with a shocked expression on their faces.

In some shots it can be seen that several vehicles intervened in the entire drama, it is heard that the enraged bully already knows in advance that there are migrants in the vehicles, which indicates that it is an organized interception action.

Who authorized a group of locals to decide who will move to their city or to any other, hence their right to intercept, threaten, literally expel them from the city, to send them the most heinous words and insults, are just some of the questions that social media users became after seeing this clip.

Police identified one of the perpetrators

The police identified and questioned Apatinac SG (45), who is suspected of blocking the road with a car, insulting and threatening to break up two taxi vehicles if they continue to bring migrants to this place, Sombor police informed us.

– Criminal charges were filed with the Prosecutor’s Office in an ordinary procedure. He was interrogated the same day and released. We are still waiting for the qualification of the work. The other man that can be seen in the video is the driver of that car, and no proceedings were initiated against him, but against the co-pilot SG, who threatened the taxi drivers and recorded everything – the police said unofficially.

Criminal charges filed for the incident

The Coalition for the Protection of Refugee and Migrant Children against Abuse and Neglect has filed a criminal complaint with the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Sombor for an incident in Apatin, when a group of unidentified men intercepted two taxis transporting refugee children and their religious , national. and ethnicity, threatened to attack their lives and bodies.

In this way, the legal characteristics of the criminal act of endangering security were specified, which they committed out of hatred for the religion, nationality and ethnicity of the refugees from the Middle East who were in vehicles, according to the coalition.

– Unfortunately, this incident is not an isolated case of unacceptable behavior towards refugee and migrant children in Serbia. Coalition members have previously reported incidents in which unidentified persons threatened and abused refugees and migrants to the competent judicial authorities, and they recorded all of this on mobile phones and posted it on social media. We note that hate crimes against refugees in Serbia are increasing, but also that the responses from the judicial authorities have not been efficient enough so far. Thus, for example, the public is still not informed about the epilogues of the pre-criminal and criminal proceedings initiated against members of the “People’s Patrols”, but also about the measures taken against the administrator of the Facebook group “Stop Migrant Settlement “and members of the citizen association” Leviathan “- said from the Coalition.

The members of the coalition recall that the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia prescribes in article 49 that any incitement and incitement to racial, national, religious or other inequality, hatred and intolerance is prohibited and punishable, and that it is responsibility of prosecutors to prosecute and punish effectively all persons. deaf. Only then will a clear message be sent that this type of behavior is unacceptable and that there is a rule of law in Serbia and zero tolerance for discrimination, hatred and violence.

The Coalition for the Protection of Refugee and Migrant Children from Abuse and Neglect was established by the IDEAS Center for Research and Development, the Center for Crisis Policy and Response (CRPC), the Danish Council for Refugees (DRC) and Indigo for ensure child safety more effectively. Refugees and migrants who represent one of the most vulnerable groups of children as they run a greater risk of violence, abuse, exploitation, neglect, sexual harassment and discrimination.
