SECRET SABAC VIDEO: Petrovic orders the electoral commission how to sabotage progressives


The recording, which appeared in public, shows Petrovic instructing the members of the electoral boards of his ranks on how to act in the polling stations. Petrovic’s instruction that members of the electoral boards who are from the ranks of the SNS, who were the opposition in the city of Sava until the elections, should not be able to approach the ballots.

“Do not leave them even near the ballots, do not allow them to get near the ballots. At any time and on any occasion.” Not in the morning when it is counted, not during the day when it is manipulated (?!) Not in the afternoon when it’s counted, “Petrović states without a detailed explanation of how they plan to manipulate it.

Stress to the members in the meeting that they should immediately underline it as a task and agree to it. Since the members had sub-questions about how they would carry out this disqualification if this or that happened, one of them said that they said “an excellent solution, that they used several times”.

Ours must arrive at five thirty before them. Let them make coffee and give them a lexicon. They will be napping all day and they don’t know why. I’ve already done it, “he describes.

Petrovic’s only reaction to this confession and plan is to send messages to others “that when they testify, they say he was not there” and “that they did not listen to him.” Although those present are smiling confused, Petrovic is not surprised that the man explains that he has already done it where it could apply, nor does he tell the members not to do so.

In addition to putting lexicon in the coffee, Dušan Petrović and his party’s comrades in arms devised another plan on how to steal the elections.

That is, Petrovic gave a clear task that in cases in which citizens cannot go to the polling station to vote for justified reasons, then only its members will be in the commissions that go to their homes, that is, there will be none of the ranks of progressives. It is more than a clear plan to prevent those targets, who vote at home, from supporting the Serbian Progressive Party.

DUSAN PETROVIC: Do you have any questions?

PRESENT: Vote outside the voting table?

DUSAN PETROVIC: So a simple rule. There are no progressives on the commission coming out of the electoral college. There is no progressive. The regulation says that the members of the polling station representing three different lists leave the electoral college. There are seven of our lists. All right, let’s three get out of the voting table.

Hear what it looked like in the attached audio recording:

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