Belgrade: The confidentiality mark has been removed from the documents of the president of the library of Bill Clinton. It was reported that six months before the FRY bombing, the blackmail was ready.
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As reported by Novosti, six months before the start of the bombing of Serbia on September 24, 1998, Samuel Berger, the then US national security adviser, briefed US President Bill Clinton on the preparations for the ultimatum to Serbia.
According to the documents that were declassified to “stop the humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo and prepare a political solution,” he proposed a “credible threat of NATO military action.”
“This means pressuring NATO to issue an ultimatum demanding that Milosevic take concrete steps to address humanitarian and crisis policy, or face a military response. For the ultimatum to be credible, we and our allies must be prepared to carry out carry out limited missile strikes. “If Miloevi doesn’t agree to obey. If it persists, we should be prepared to carry out more extensive airstrikes to prevent its ability to conduct military and security operations in Kosovo, “Berger recommended.
The US foreign policy team, Berger says, agrees that relying solely on humanitarian action and diplomatic negotiations has no prospect of success. He claims that Ambassador Hill’s negotiation process with Miloev and the Kosovar Albanians will not produce an acceptable agreement as long as the violence continues, “through brutal actions by Serbian security forces combined with occasional KLA attacks.”
The UN Security Council resolution, adopted from 14 to zero, with China’s confidence, and NATO’s decision to begin gathering forces are important steps in our political and military preparations to issue an ultimatum, while at At the same time they send strong signals to Milosevic. The UN resolution helps create a grassroots policy for the use of force for many of our allies, but it explicitly does not allow the use of force – he admits.
Therefore, Berger cautions Clinton that this approach has its costs and risks, both political and military. The document shows that the American leadership was aware of the numerous obstacles in America, among the allies, as well as in the world, to the implementation of this plan.
“Supporting allies requires a lot of effort, especially with Russia, which strongly opposes the use of force. Many allies will want to try another UN resolution authorizing the use of force before NATO issues an ultimatum.” Berger warned.
However, he adds that the new resolution is less of a problem than the decision of some allies to renounce their participation in the operation. He is also aware, he says, that maintaining consensus is problematic, especially if Miloev partially agrees with the terms of the ultimatum.
“We must consult in detail with Russia bilaterally, as well as through NATO, to limit the damage to our relations,” Berger said.