SECRET KEPT SINCE 1999 REVEALED! American pilot admits: Serbs beat two “invisible” (VIDEO)


The US portal The Drive claims that the details of what happened to the other plane became known recently, and retired US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Charlie “Tuna” Heinlein, and former F-117 pilot, On the “Afterburn” podcast, he personally confirmed that for many years it was just a rumor. Our air defense managed to hit another stealth aircraft, but still managed to return to base in Germany.

The exact date of the impact is unknown, but it is certain that this event occurred during April 1999 after the downing of the first F-117. It should be remembered that on the fourth day of the NATO bombing, members of the Third Missile Division of the 250 Yugoslav Army Air Defense Missile Brigade shot down an F-117A, an American miracle made of stealth technology, which earned its reputation for “invisible” in the Gulf War in Iraq. Pilot Dale Zelk was safely evacuated by US forces and his plane ended up in a field near the town of Budjanovci near Ruma.

In his testimony, Heinlein described how another F-117 was hit. He claimed that two “invisible” planes, accompanied by F-16J planes, started action over Belgrade from base in Germany. He was piloting an F-117 and, when they met above New Belgrade, both “invisible” were attacked by rockets fired by the Serbian air defense.

– I looked right up into the sky over Belgrade and saw a huge rocket approaching – it looked like Saturn V. I knew my boyfriend number two was somewhere. Then I saw another boat and a great glow, smoke and then a fireball coming towards me.

The American pilot claims that he still managed to avoid the explosion of the projectile and the downing of his plane with the help of the autopilot, and carry out his mission, that is, to bomb the proposed objective.

Upon his return, however, he realized that the other plane was seriously damaged, but both planes managed to return to base.

At the end of his testimony, Heinlein admitted that this episode remained in his memory as the most terrible of his rich racing career.

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