SECRET DOCUMENTS OF VUHAN surfaced: “On February 10, Xi Jinping called VUHAN doctors by video call and THESE NUMBERS have just been revealed.”


From a safe room, some 1,200 kilometers from the epicenter of the epidemic, Si first expressed regret for all the lives lost in the epidemic until then. He also commented that the world is increasingly concerned about the news from Wuhan. On February 10, China reported 2,478 new cases. These days, CNN found confidential documents that explain in more detail what exactly was happening in China.

That is, in the document marked “internal document, strictly confidential,” as CNN writes, the Hubei province authorities registered 5,918 new cases on February 10, double the official figure.!! CNN claims this was done in the first weeks of the pandemic, in an attempt by China to reduce the violence of the epidemic.

CNN has found 117 pages of a leaked confidential document from the Hubei Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and CNN writes that these documents cover the period between October 2019 and April this year and reveal how bureaucratically an attempt was made. to cover up how bad China is. face the crisis.

For example, CNN writes that in March in China, the average time between established symptoms and confirmed diagnosis was 23.3 days, slowing down all possible options to properly monitor the epidemic and prevent it in a timely manner.

– It was clear from the beginning that they made mistakes, and not just the expected mistakes that are made when fighting a new virus. They made both bureaucratic and political mistakes, Janzong Huang of the Foreign Affairs Council told CNN, who spoke on this issue on several occasions. He adds that China’s actions had global consequences. However, it also says the following:

– You can never guarantee full transparency, not only because something is intentionally hidden, but also because you are limited by technology and other issues. However, even if everything was completely transparent, I don’t think it would have prevented Trump from reducing the danger of a new virus. Transparency is unlikely to prevent a pandemic, he says.

Dali Young, a Chicago political science professor who studied the development of the pandemic in detail, says he believes “China expected the situation to be like SARS in 2003.” Then China successfully stopped the virus and everything quickly returned to normal.

– The telephone conversation between the presidents of China and Trump also testifies to this. They both probably believed the virus would somehow disappear, he says.

The silent war between the United States and China, started by the Donald Trump administration, continues, accusing China of contributing to the pandemic with its slow reactions, while China claims it is not responsible for the corona virus pandemic. China brought the virus under control today, and all cases of localized epidemics are resolving rapidly, and on Tuesday, exactly 12 months passed since the first patient in Wuhan showed symptoms of infection with the new virus. Meanwhile, the virus is spreading throughout the rest of the world and the numbers are increasing every day.
