Second phase of the construction of the monument to Stefan Nemanja: 50 people will be able to fit in the helmet VIDEO


Belgrade – The construction of the monument to Stefan Nemanja, up to 23 meters high, which will beautify Sava Square in the future, began in mid-August.

Source: B92, TV Prva

Photo: Printscreen, TV Prva

Photo: Printscreen, TV Prva

The large monument was made of bronze and cut into pieces to facilitate its delivery to Serbia, where it will be reassembled. Today another part of the monument arrives.

Trucks arrived from Russia, and Belgrade City Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić told TV Prva about their content.

“The second phase of the construction of the monument has just begun and you are attending a truly historic event. The first truck, of the four that will arrive today and tomorrow, has arrived and fragments of a Byzantine helmet are being unloaded, which will be the Pedestal of the sculpture of Stefan Nemanja. We have assembled this scepter, now in the second phase all the parts of the Byzantine helmet will be unloaded in these four days, they will form a whole, and inside we will make unique mosaics and reliefs that really represent parts of the Stefan Nemanja’s life, that is, the history of Serbia “. Vesić said.

He took an exclusive opportunity to show what these mosaics would look like. They will look the same as in the Temple of Saint Sava, because all the frescoes are painted with mosaics and that makes the Temple unique in the world.

“We will also have mosaics in the helmet. Fifty people will be able to meet in the helmet and get acquainted with the history of Serbia. That is why this monument is important and unique in the world. You don’t have a monument with such a pedestal in the world. This is absolutely Unique in many ways, a metal construction is also being erected, which will be, when the last two trucks arrive on September 15, the sculpture of Stefan Nemanja itself.

The hull weighs more than six tons, and in total, when everything is finished, the weight of the entire sculpture will be about 72 tons, 23 meters above the ground or five meters underground, and it will be the largest monument in the Balkans.

Vesić added that Serbia is finally taking pride in its history, and that we will finally be able to show people from abroad and our people how great and glorious our history is.

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